The Advanced Guide To Getting The Most Out Of Your Website

Whether you’re using it to advertise your business or you’re running it as an ecommerce platform, the website is one of the most important tools to doing business online. But a lot of people are content to consider their job done once the site is up. That’s simply not true. Your website should be an ongoing project, constantly pushing for better results. Here, we’ll look at some of the advanced tools you should be using to get the most out of it.


Image by mantasmagorical

Getting the most visitors

Getting traffic to your website is important, but how do you ensure that the traffic is relevant? The best place to start is in the search engine. The better and more relevant your site is to people using the search engine, the more likely it is to be recommended to them. The better the user experience, the higher it will appear. The more dead-end links and the worse the site performance, the further down the list. Adding keywords to your pages can be helpful, too, but you should be careful in how you use them. Keyword stuffing isn’t a viable search engine optimisation technique. If you’re adding in every term you can think of, it will only harm your chances of being spotted by more people.

Getting the most conversions

So, you have them on your site. But are you turning them into customers? Not everyone can be converted. But there could be plenty of visitors you’re missing simply by failing to capitalise on their presence. A call-to-action, a better presentation of your content, even a reshuffle of the page can all have a big impact. It’s about finding what works for your conversion rate. To that end, testing is one of the most reliable methods you can use. Strategists like an AB test agency use multiple versions of your pages with variations. They take the individual versions and look at the visitor data to see how those variations change visitor behaviour. This way, you can pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of your site and improve on them.

Getting the most returns

Regardless of whether they become a customer or not, if you can get people returning to your site, you’re benefiting. Not only are return visitors more likely to eventually become repeat customers, but they’re also more likely to share. The way you get them to return is by providing more value for those repeat returns. For instance, if you include a blog with content that is informative or educational, they may keep coming back to see what new advice you have to offer. Give recognition to your most dedicated of customers and fans on the site. This will contribute to a sense of community people are a lot more likely to get involved in.

There’s always a little more work that can be done to improve your business site. There’s another chance for more visibility or another way to convert new customers. Never stop striving or updating. Treat your website not as a simple tool but as an integral part of your business.

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Take Your Bar or Restaurant to the Next Level Without Spending Big

If you run a bar or restaurant, making it profitable should be one of your main aims. And that can be pretty easy if you take the right steps. So, if you think that the time is right to take your business to the next level, here are some of the changes you can make. And they don’t demand big spending either.

Improve Your Bathrooms

First of all, think about the bathroom. For female customers especially, this is one of the most important things about a bar or restaurant. If the toilets are too busy or unclean, you should change all that. By making them pleasant and clean, people will be more likely to come back to your establishment after their first visit. And that’s exactly what you want for your business.


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If your business is stuck in a bit of a rut, why not rebrand it? This gives the entire business the chance at a fresh start. All you need to do is add some new touches to the design and layout. On top of that, find a new name and logo for the place, and the stage a relaunch party. It’ll give potential customers a reason to try out your business and see what you have to offer if they never have before, The, hopefully, they will keep coming back for a long time to come.

Add a Cash Machine

A cash machine can be a great thing to add to your bar or restaurant if you want to give more options to customers. They allow they a way to take out money, and it will mean that they won’t have to leave your premises if they want to withdraw cash. That’s very important indeed. Cash machines can be bought at affordable rates these days, so there is no reason not to give this some thought. Once it’s in place, you will notice customers using it a lot.

Put on a Quiz

If you want to give people a reason to head to your establishment, you should put on some kind of event. The best of them is a quiz. They’re good because people love them, and they drive drinks sales, which can only be a good thing for the profitability of your business. On top of that, they are very cheap to run. All you need is a bit of organisation, some questions and someone to ask them. Once you have those things covered, you can relax and enjoy the evening along with everyone else.


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Create Great Cocktails

People often head to bars for the cocktails. If yours are lagging behind the competition, customers will have a reason to avoid your place and head somewhere else. That’s the last thing you want to happen, so create cocktails that are memorable, unique and very tasty. Use great syrups and buy the very best ingredients. You should even choose the ice carefully. The more attention you pay to the drinks you make, the better the end result will be. It’s a change you can start to make right away.


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Asking for Support from Your Boss: How to Do It


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Any employee hopes that their employer will support them in the development of their career. Unfortunately, some employers are much less supportive than others. It can all come down to the luck of the draw when it comes to finding an employer willing to treat you well. While they all need to act within the law, this doesn’t always offer you enough protection. Choosing the right employer is half the battle of finding someone to support you. However, when you have a job, you can still work on getting your employer to be more supportive. Much of the time, the trick is to convince them of how it will benefit the company.

Discussing Support for Disabilities

One of the ways you might need support is if you have a disability. You might have extra requirements that will help you to do your job. Fortunately, the law is on your side in this situation. Your employer is required to make reasonable adjustments that will help you get your job done. This could include a range of things that will help you physically or mentally. You might need to ask for adaptations in the bathroom or perhaps a quiet space to work. You should speak to your company’s HR department if they have one. If not, you need to find out who handles these issues.

Asking About Training

Many employees choose an employer because of the prospect of undergoing extra training. An employer that will help you develop your skills is a good choice. Employers often want to train their staff because it encourages them to stay. It can improve productivity and quality within the firm too. Sometimes, employers will offer training readily because they can see the value in it. However, sometimes an employee might feel that they need to request training. Your employer can request the help of HR consultants to assist with delivering training, but first, you have to convince them.

Asking them to pay for your training isn’t always easy. You might also need to convince them to allow you to complete the training at work. The best approach to take is to show your boss how it will benefit them. Don’t make it all about you and how it’s going to be wonderful for your career. Go to your employer with evidence that the training you want to undertake will be useful for their business. You may also want to talk about it in general terms and not just in relation to you.


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How to Approach Your Employer About Education Funding

Sometimes, you might want to go further than asking for a bit of extra training. Some people hope to further their education with a master’s degree or similar while working. Many employers are willing to help pay for this if they value their employee. However, approaching your boss about this isn’t easy. As with training, you need to show that your education will benefit them. Of course, you also need to convince them that you are willing to stick around. They don’t want to pay for your education only for you to move on to another firm. Make sure you know what you want to do and how your new skills will help you in your current position.


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Proposing Support for Health

Many employers are beginning to focus more on their staff’s health. They recognize that healthier employees do more and better work. Sometimes, you might have a specific health issues that require your employer’s support. For example, you might be undergoing treatment for cancer. Discussing this with your employer and working out how they can help you is essential. However, there are other ways you might wish for your employer to support you in a healthy lifestyle. You could bring up the possibility of activities that might help with people’s health at work. For example, you could set up a lunchtime choir or an after-work running club.

Gaining Employer Support in Legal Situations

Another way your employer can often help you is if you have a legal issue. They will sometimes be able to offer support or advice from their legal team. This is especially true if you have an issue that relates to your job. However, even if it doesn’t, they may be able to help you out. Usually, contacting the company’s legal department directly is a good idea. However, you may also want to keep relevant people in the loop.

Asking your employer for support can be difficult. However, many are willing to help their employees in a variety of ways.

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5 Social Media Networks Musicians Can Use To Promote Themselves


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Getting ahead in the music industry can be tough. Getting recognized and getting signed can take forever for some artists. You need to take a proactive approach to start building up a fan base and generating some buzz around yourself. That’s why social media is one of the greatest tools available to musicians.

There are many social media websites out there which you can use for promoting your music. Some are even designed for artists. Each has its own unique benefits for musicians. Here are five of the best ones for bands and artists to promote themselves.


With an average of over 1.18 billion daily active users, Facebook is a great place to promote anything. You can create a page for your music and start connecting with fans.

Facebook is fantastic for all promotional purposes. You can post links to your music, upcoming tour dates, and anything else that might interest your fans. Start building up followers to get your music career buzzing.


Much like Facebook, Twitter is great for all your promotional needs. With its short, 140-character length posts, it’s ideal for posting tidbits of news and tour dates.

It’s ideal for reaching out to new fans. People often share posts from their favorite bands and artists, so more users will see them. It’s also excellent for fan engagement, so make sure you make a page on Twitter.


Soundcloud is becoming a hotbed of up and coming artists. In fact, many rappers and singers used the platform to launch their career. You can create a profile and upload your songs to listeners all over the world.

Getting a lot of plays and followers on Soundcloud can get you recognized by people in the industry. It helps to cross-promote your songs on other social networks, and you could also consider buying Soundcloud plays.

The more listeners you get, the better. Your fan base will grow fast, and your music career will take off.


Spotify is becoming the streaming service of choice for music lovers all over the world. Every artist should get their music on Spotify. Not only will it please your current fans, but it can also get you tons of new ones!

Spotify has some interesting built-in social features which make it great for promotion. For instance, it’s easy to post links to your music on Facebook and other social networks. You could also put your songs on public playlists to get new listeners.

While Spotify does pay artists and labels- they only get a small dividend. The value is more in the free promotion you get- you can drum up new fans which will come to tours and buy merchandise.


YouTube is arguably the best place for musicians to promote themselves. Many bands and artists generate a buzz by recording and posting cover versions of songs. You can also post videos of live performances.

If you want to take things a step further, you could even create a music video. You could generate a lot of interest in your song- especially if it goes viral.

Video content is highly useful for performers. It’s free to post videos on YouTube, and you can generate a strong base of followers and viewers to make your name.

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Tech Tips: Amazing Hacks For Your iPhone That You Don’t Know About!



These days, technology is taking over the world, and everyone has a smartphone in their pocket. Arguably the most popular of all smartphones is the iPhone. No matter what model you have, they’re great devices and can do a lot for you. But, did you know there are some cool iPhone hacks you’re missing out on? Check them out down below for more info:

Play Games On iMessage

Many of us have iPhones and want to play some games on them when we get bored. The problem is we don’t have enough storage to download loads of games and keep them on our phone. Well, this one simple hack will change that problem once and for all. With the latest iOS update, you can now download games to play on iMessage. In fact, there’s an app you can download that includes loads of games all in one place. So, you can play your mates at 8-ball pool or connect four while waiting for your train home. All you have to do is go into iMessage and press the App Store icon next to where you send a message. This will take you to the store and show you all the iMessage compatible games you can download.

Turn Your Phone Into A Home Cinema

There are a few cool hacks you can do to turn your little iPhone into a proper home cinema. The best option turns your phone into a film projector for everyone to enjoy. You can find full details of how to do this, but I’ll give you the shorthand. You simply cut a hole in the front of a shoebox and stick a magnifying glass in there. Then, you stand your iPhone in the box behind it, and the screen gets projected through the glass onto the wall! You can make your cinema experience better by downloading apps to watch movies and TV on too. There are loads out there like the Showbox App For iPhone that allow you to do this. With a big movie library at your disposal, you can enjoy a crazy movie night at your house with just an iPhone.

Charge Your Phone Quicker Than Ever Before

We’ve all been in situations when we desperately need our phones to charge. Perhaps you left it on all night and now have to deal with 10% to last the day? You have half an hour before you need to leave for work and frantically stick your charger in the phone. Most of the time, our phones don’t charge quick enough, and we’re still left struggling with half a phone battery all day long. But, there’s one simple hack you can do to make your iPhone charge at super speed. All you have to do is turn Airplane Mode on and watch the magic happen. When Airplane Mode is on then, your phone charges a lot quicker. It’s probably because it uses up a lot less power when in this mode so can charge faster. One thing’s for certain, if you’re ever in a rush and need to charge your phone; this little hack can save you.

Give these cool hacks a go and start getting more from your iPhone today!

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Downsize Your Lifestyle For More Manageable Finances


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Are you struggling to pay the bills each month? Sick of seeing your bank balance go into the red? It might be time to downsize your lifestyle. There are many things you’re probably paying too much for. You don’t have to go smaller- simply downsize your costs and find cheaper ways around them.

You’ll be surprised at how much you can save if you just make your lifestyle more frugal. You can stabilize your finances and start saving up a lot of money. You may wish to get a fancy car and a nice house in the future- but for now, you just need to make sure you can afford your bills. Here are some tips for downsizing your lifestyle.

Downsize Your Home

Buying a house is a fantastic investment, but many people do it far too early. Mortgage payments cost a lot on their own. But you’ll also have to deal with maintenance, insurance, taxes, and other associated costs.

If your home is costing you far too much, you need to downsize. It might involve selling your house and finding somewhere to rent. Many cities have affordable apartments and even rental houses which can give you much more breathing room with your finances.

You can find many apartments and houses to rent online with much more affordable living costs. Some even include utilities and other amenities in the rent, making it a much cheaper living situation.

Pay Less For Your Vehicle

Your vehicle is another thing that can drain your funds fast. Getting a new car can take years to pay off. It also costs more the more you drive, with the price of fuel accumulating. With maintenance and repair costs on top of that, it can be hard to handle.

If your car is costing you too much, you may need to go cheaper. Instead of trying to pay off a fancy new car, consider a used vehicle. Many dealerships offer used trucks and cars, and it works out much cheaper than buying new.

You don’t have to go for something old and rusty. You can find plenty of fantastic vehicles on used lots- they’ll just have a little more mileage. It’s a much more affordable way to own a vehicle and has many other benefits.

Downscale Your Subscriptions

One of the monthly costs that often catches people off guard is their subscriptions. There are many products and services which require a monthly fee. You should look at the things you’re paying for each month and consider whether it’s worth it.

For instance, many people pay monthly for a gym membership, but how often are you using it? If you’re only hitting the gym a few times a month, consider working out at home instead. Not only will it save you money, but you’ll also get more workouts in thanks to the convenience.

Subscriptions to things like NetFlix, Spotify, and magazines can also add up. If you use these things regularly, the cost might be justified. But if they’re sapping your finances too much, you might need to sacrifice a few.

Lower Your Grocery Bill

Naturally, you’ll need to pay for your groceries each week. But make sure you’re not going over the top. Only fill your shopping cart with what you need- and make sure you get it as cheap as possible.

Compare grocery stores to see which has the lowest prices. It can also help to buy supermarket brand products instead of name brand foods. Try to get things that’ll last a long time. For instance, buying frozen meat can be kept much longer than fresh meat, and it’s also cheaper.

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Nature’s Relief: 6 Foods To Keep Pain In Check

Nature’s Relief: 6 Foods To Keep Pain In Check

So! I don’t know about you, but I’m not really the biggest fan of pain. The great American philosopher Swayze once said that “pain don’t hurt”, but I suspect he was merely trying to impress Kelly Lynch. Anyway, prescription pain medication may do the job at first, but it can lead to all sorts of problems further down the line. I like to do things a bit more naturally, so here are my top seven pain-fighting foods to help safely manage your discomfort.

  1. Ginger 


Image by: Pixabay

Good old ginger. It’s sweet, fiery and tastes like Christmas, and it’s one of best natural painkillers out there. In fact, it’s a bona fide anti-inflammatory marvel! Ginger will tear nausea’s throat out and deliver a swift roundhouse to stomach upset (okay, I’m done with Roadhouse now). Oh, and it is also excellent for period pains. There’s a ton of ways you can take it, too; including grated over dishes, mixed into smoothies and boiled into a tea. Just, y’know, avoid the ginger wine. Bad.

  1. Chilli peppers


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Psychic spies from China may indeed be trying to steal your mind’s elation, but that doesn’t diminish the effectiveness of red-hot chilli peppers in cutting down pain. The capsaicin in these spicy veggies goes straight to work on your nerves, blocking off the chemicals that carry pain signals around. Cool, eh? If you’ve got arthritis, try applying topical capsaicin cream to the affected areas.



  1. Oily fish


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You’ve probably heard all about the virtues of omega-3 oil (it was definitely the ‘in’ thing a few years ago), but you might not know just how handy it can be for reducing soreness. It lowers inflammation, which makes it great for joint and neck pain relief. It’s found mainly in oily fish like salmon, herring, anchovies, mackerel and sardines. If that doesn’t appeal, try flaxseed, chia seeds, egg yolks and walnuts. Plenty of choice!


  1. Nuts, seeds and dark, leafy vegetables


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All right, so sticking multiple items in the same entry is cheating a bit, but I’m sure your body won’t mind. The keyword here is ‘magnesium’, and all of these foods are positively dripping with it. Magnesium is essential in keeping your bones and muscles healthy, and a lack of it could result in a multitude of aches and pains. Avocado is another I’d like to add to the list. Why? Because it’s awesome, that’s why.



  1. Peppermint


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Another fine addition to your blossoming food/medicine cupboard, peppermint is a bit of a natural wonder. It can help with everything from toothaches to irritable bowel syndrome. Not to mention muscle pains, headaches, joint irritations, skin inflammations… you get the idea. Your best bet is either fresh peppermint leaves or concentrated oil, which gives you a lot of scope for application.



  1. Coffee


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Yep! Even a cup of morning go-juice can assist with headaches and muscular strains. If you’re really suffering, try taking a common, over-the-counter painkiller at the same time. The caffeine will send it into overdrive, delivering a much more powerful kick. However! Coffee only does the trick if you don’t drink it much, and caffeine withdrawal brings a whole new set of colourful problems. This one is for emergencies only, got it?

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Are These Things Sapping Productivity At Your Business?


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There are many things that go into a successful business, but productivity is one of the most important. If you’re not keeping up standards in productivity, then you’re going to risk falling into bad habits as a CEO, and allowing your business to just keep ticking over without really going anywhere. Strangely, the upper management of any business can often be pretty disconnected with the things that end up sapping productivity in the workplace. Here are a few that you should be looking out for.

Chaotic Emails

If your employees are living in their inboxes, then it may be time to make some changes. While it’s true that email is pretty much essential to any modern business, if your employees are spending too much of the working day sorting through a chaotic slew of emails, then they’re going to be spending less time actually fulfilling their roles! If workers are drowning in emails, or using them as an excuse not to work, it may be time to find more efficient communication method.

Hazy Work-Life Boundaries

This is one that can work either way. If you’re being too lax with your employees and letting them take personal calls in the middle of the work day, or you’re always calling them at home and getting them to polish off little tasks, then it’s invariably going to sap efficiency. Depending on what the problem is, your workers are either going to be dragging themselves through the work day, or be so over-worked that the unnecessary stress leads to a burnout. Make sure you’re not letting laziness slide, and that workloads are being spread out fairly over everyone.

Untidy Working Environment

While some people would still be able to work in a literal pigsty, a dirty or disorganised office is going to have a negative impact on most people’s productivity. Aside from the added risk of sickness (and therefore sick days), a clean, tidy office has been proven time and time again to have a positive impact on staff morale, which in turn makes it easier for them to get stuck into their work. Take a moment to look around your office. If you know that it’s seen better days, then have a word with your cleaning staff, or look into outsourcing the job to a professional office cleaning company.

Lax Deadlines

Are the deadlines you set individual workers being treated more like guidelines than non-negotiable rules? Sure, someone occasionally slipping five or ten minutes over to polish off a piece of work isn’t going to make much of a difference. However, if extensions are taken as a given, and nothing’s being delivered on time, then you may be breeding a company culture where laziness is no big deal. No one wants to be a dragon of a boss, but if you keep letting deadlines slide it’s seriously going to harm your company in the long run. Start cracking down on people who are going over deadline, and make sanctions if necessary.

If you’re worried about your business’s productivity, scour it for these issues, then stamp them out!

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Drive Away Stress: Avoid These Common Road Frustrations

In many cases, driving makes your life less stressful. Having a car makes it easier to get to work in the morning. You can also take fun road trips and holidays with it. Sometimes it can even be an enjoyable hobby to take a drive. But at other times, being on the road can drive you crazy.

Studies reveal that road rage is rising, especially in busy city areas with congested traffic. Issues such as car breakdowns and rude motorists can quickly send drivers into a tailspin. No one wants to be stressed out, so use these methods to avoid common road frustrations.

Avoid Busy Traffic


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One of the biggest sources of frustration for all drivers is getting stuck in traffic. When all you need to do is get somewhere, congested roads holding you up can make your blood boil fast. That’s why it helps your stress levels if you avoid busy traffic.

You might want to plan your journey around how busy the roads are. Some apps can give you information on current traffic. If the route you need to take is too busy, it might be worth waiting for the roads to die down.

Of course, this isn’t always practical. For instance, you can’t waste time when you need to get to work in the morning! Another method that can help is simply taking a different route. Find quiet roads to cruise through. Even if the distance of the route is longer, avoiding traffic will save you time.

Prepare For Car Problems

In an ideal world, you’d never have to deal with a flat tyre or a broken windshield. But accidents happen, and sometimes car faults can emerge out of nowhere. The best approach to take is to prepare for these things happening.

Make sure you know where you need to go if an issue occurs with your car. Knowing the nearest mechanic will also help. You might also want to find an auto electrician in case you need help replacing a car battery.

You can also save some stress by handling some repairs yourself. Keep a spare tyre in the boot of your car in case one of yours goes flat. It’s also simple enough to replace windshield wipers or lights as long as you have spares handy.

Cut Down Costs

The costs of a car can also be stressful. Having to fork over your dollars for regular fuel refills can be frustrating. There’s also insurance and repair expenses to deal with, as well as the cost of the vehicle itself!

If your car is costing you too much every month, consider a replacement. Using an old banger until you get on your financial feet can save you a lot of money. Make sure you also compare all insurance deals and protect yourself against high insurance fees.

Ditch The Car


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Want to know a surefire way to avoid the stresses of driving? Don’t get in the car! By finding other ways to get around more often, you can save yourself a lot of frustration.

For instance, is your daily commute driving you mad? Consider cycling to work. It’s a healthy way to travel that also reduces stress. You could also consider public transport or you might even want to take a Uber ride.

Only driving when you need to will also reduce your fuel costs. Of course, it also makes car faults less likely to happen. It’ll save you all kinds of road stress, so take a walk more often.

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The Best Ways To Keep Your Business Running Smoothly

So you’ve built a successful business, but running one is hard work. You’ve got countless things on your mind, clients, staff, machinery upkeep, fees, rent, the list goes on. Here are a few nuggets of information which you can use to help keep your business running just like it should.

Keep Your Colleagues Happy

It goes without saying, but there are many companies which put their colleagues at the bottom of the pile, with high staff turnover draining funds and time. If you keep your guys happy then they won’t leave, meaning their experience stays with your company. Invest in their training and upskill them as often as possible, It’ll only benefit your business in the long run.  Make sure you use team building days to keep things fresh and allow each and every colleague a chance to put their own suggestions forward. Some of the best ideas come from those on ground level, meaning you could increase productivity.

Outsource Your Administrative Work

Human resources and administration can become a time-consuming task, one which requires expertise and sensitivity. So why not outsource certain aspects of your business administration to the professionals. For example payroll services can be acquired to ensure your team’s pay is always on time and never late, meaning they stay happy. It also means your colleagues are less burdened by admin tasks and can focus on the work at hand.



Keep Your Equipment Up To Speed

It’s a simple one, but not all businesses abide by it.  How hard is it to upgrade to the newest iteration of your operating system, or get a specialist analyst to come in and take a look at exactly what you need. You can hire them freelance so it isn’t that expensive and can increase your workforce productivity exponentially. It also means keeping simply office based equipment at hand, pens, pencils, paper etc. Your colleagues can only work if they have the tools to do the job.

Ensure Your Break Room Is Top-Notch

Having a quality break room for your employees is understated. If they have a great place to take a break then they come back feeling refreshed and get straight back into work. But if they come back feeling like they haven’t had a break their work will likely be affected. It also means they get a chance to talk about something else entirely, letting them truly take a break. It fosters a team mentality and allows each and every person to have that distance from work. The positive effects or significant.

Lead By Example

If you lounge around watching your employees work, then they aren’t going to work as hard for you. If you lead by example, showing them a great work ethic they’ll follow suit. No one wants to annoy the boss, but if he’s lazing around they’ll think they can too. To get the best out of your guys you need to show them you’re willing to get your hands dirty.

Keeping your business running to a high standard isn’t easy, but by following some simple loose rules you can make it easier for not only yourself, but your colleagues too.

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