Getting Into Your New House In One Piece

Moving house is stressful, there’s no doubt about that. Your entire life is in upheaval, hopefully in an attempt to make it better, and everything you own is packed up in boxes and unable to reach. The idea of that alone can cause some people to panic, so it’d be a good idea to find some ways to make this time feel a little bit safer for you.

Of course, that’s hard to do for a variety of reasons. When you’ve got an entire household to ferry back and forth, and all the possessions to accompany them, a disaster could be around any corner. So it’s time to be prepared, which goes a long way to making your new life smoother. Let’s look into some of the best ways to get everything into your new place in one piece, and cut down on the amount of hair you might tear out.

A new door to a whole new house of possibilities… don’t let it be a stressful time. (Image)

Get a Trusty Vehicle

Having the right vehicle on your side to get all of your possessions back and forth from your old house to your new one is more important than you might think. Because of that, make sure you have the best car or truck on your side to keep everything safe and strapped in, and make as many journeys as you need.

If you don’t have the right vehicle of your own, borrow a friend’s or even look into getting some professionals to help you; the cost of which is going to be plenty worth it when all your boxes and big furniture pieces are set down in your new place with no scuff marks or damaged corners on them. If you have a vehicle you could very well use on your side, namely a spacious truck with a good bed, look into the best tonneau covers and invest in one to make sure no weather damage strips your items of their color or soaks them beyond recognition. That’s the last thing you need right now!

Pack with Material in Mind

Seeing as you’re likely only using cardboard boxes to pack everything up properly, make sure you’ve got all the right packing material to accompany your items inside of it. Namely, for anything you’re taking out of the kitchen, make sure it’s padded and protected from any transit damage, and make the first dinner in your new house a time of celebration rather than disaster.

At the same time, make sure you’re not putting any incompatible items together into the same boxes. Anything that has a liquid form to it, and thus is flammable or possibly leaky, shouldn’t be carted along with anything else to accompany it. So keep those deodorants and those battery packs separate, and don’t bother trying to put them into a professional mover’s vehicle without expecting a mouth full from them!

Your new house is a new start, don’t poison it with these bad associations!

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Slashing Your Home Budget

Do you live paycheck to paycheck, struggling to pay your household bills, never mind having any left to save or enjoy? Do you find yourself worrying about money almost daily or terrified of an unexpected expense shattering your fragile financial situation? Well, you are most certainly not alone. It’s thought that 76 million Americans are struggling financially, or only just getting by. All of these people are worried and stressed.

Unfortunately, in the current economic climate, there’s no quick fix. Many of us have debts to pay off, a significant amount of us will never be able to buy our own home, and as the cost of living continues to rise, even working full time you can struggle to save enough to improve your own situation.

But, there’s little help coming from anywhere else either. If you want to ease your financial concerns, reduce your stress levels and give yourself and your family a significantly improved quality of life, you need to do something about it. While there’s no quick fix, there are a few ways to slash your household budget and save yourself money.

Make a Budget

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The first step to slashing your budget is making one. Most of us are aware of how much bills are and how much we earn but utterly unaware of the smaller details of our finances. We check our bank balance and find ourselves wondering where our money has gone.

Sit down, use a simple household budget spreadsheet template, and enter all of your figures.

Look at your last few months bank statements to make sure you include everything. When it comes to things like food, fuel and luxury expenses, set a budget and make sure you stick to it. If you want extra, you’ll have to save elsewhere on your budget.

Make Some Cuts

Now you’ve got everything written down in front of you; you can spot patterns and problems. Are you paying for anything that you don’t use or need? Perhaps a gym membership or a subscription service? Cancel anything that you can manage without. Remember, it doesn’t need to be forever, you can always go back once you’ve got the funds.

Then, within the things that you keep, look at some cuts. Do you use all of your minutes and data on your phone contract? Could you reduce your internet speed?

Make Some Switches

Most of us could save a lot of money every year by switching some suppliers. Take a look at your energy providers and your insurance company. Cheap car insurance can save you a lot of money, without diminishing your cover. Use comparison sites to make sure you are getting the best deals. If your providers are the best, look into changing tariffs so that you are only paying for what you need.

Start Clearing Debts

Debts are a vicious cycle. We get into debt because we need to, but then repaying the debt and the insurance costs makes our situation much worse and means that we can never save. Focus on paying more than the minimum to save yourself money long-term.

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The Most Common Causes of Poor Health Today

If we were to take a look at the causes of poor health in a large number of people, we’d see that many of the causes across the nation and even the world are the same. Knowing the most common causes of poor health today can help you to avoid them and become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself in the long term. Read on to learn more!


Smoking kills around 443,000 people each year, and yet people continue to do it. It’s easy to start smoking when you’re young and think that it will never affect you, and then before you know it, you’re hooked and you’re starting to notice some pretty serious health issues. Cigarettes can cause a plethora of illnesses and issues, some more serious than others. Whenever you light up a cigarette, you’re giving yourself less of a chance.

A Bad Diet

Junk food tends to be pretty cheap, while good food is more expensive. However, you have to learn to be ok with this if you’re going to keep your mind and body healthy, as the food we eat affects both directly. You don’t have to eat perfectly 100% of the time, and you definitely don’t have to live off salads. Practice moderation and incorporate more color into your diet for the best results.


We weren’t supposed to sit around all day doing nothing. Getting 10,000 steps per day is a good place to start if you don’t want to throw yourself into hardcore workouts at the gym. Committing to exercise a few times a week will be better than nothing. Trying to get it done in the morning is often better than later in the day, as you have less of a chance to make excuses not to go once work and other things begin to distract you.


Not Getting Enough Sleep

Not getting enough sleep is no good for your mental or physical health. There isn’t much that a great night’s sleep can’t fix. Everybody needs a different amount of sleep to function, but you shouldn’t be getting any less than 6 hours per night. Some people need up to 9. Getting into a regular bedtime routine, where you sleep at the same time each night and get up at the same time each day is the best thing you can do.


Becoming injured can happen due to a number of things. Perhaps you find yourself in car accident and need to call Maybe you hurt yourself at work. Maybe you even do it because you haven’t researched proper form and you go to the gym regardless! Staying healthy means staying vigilant.

Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Binge drinking once a week can be just as bad as drinking alcohol throughout the week. Make sure you stick to the recommended unit amounts, and give yourself a couple of days off drinking each week at least.


Stress is a silent danger. You can’t see it, but it can affect your life in ways you can’t even imagine. Finding ways to reduce your stress levels is a must for a healthy life.

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How To Limit the High Cost of Car Ownership

Now, it’s not hard to see the benefits of owning a car. It gives us freedom, options, and, yes, they’re pretty fun to drive. But there’s no getting around the fact that while they’re sometimes seen as an essential, the costs that are attached move car ownership into the “luxury” category. So if you’re going to own a car, you better be prepared to open your wallet up. However, there are ways to keep those high costs down. Take a read below, and you’ll be on your way to more cash in your pocket.


Don’t Drive the Car

We know what you’ll be thinking when we say that the best way to limit the car costs is to…leave the car at home: “Wow, good advice!” But hear us out. While you’ll need to drive your car from time to time, you don’t need it every time you leave your house. If you’re not going far, then look at walking, cycling, or taking public transport. You’ll save money on gas and parking, which can add up to a significant amount of cash when spread over a year and more.

Get What’s Yours

The car’s cost might seem like the biggest vehicle expense you’ll have, but this isn’t necessarily the case. If you’re in an accident, then you might have to fork out some of your money for a new car, medical treatment, and to make up some of the money you’ve lost through taking time off work, amongst other expenses. If you’re adamant that it wasn’t your fault, then fight back. Call Hughey Law, and you’ll have taken the first step towards claiming some of the money that’s rightfully yours. It’ll go a long way towards getting you back on the road without being out-of-pocket.

Invest in your Vehicle

Your car isn’t going to last forever. There’ll come a time when it looks like it’s beginning to fade away, and you have to start looking for a replacement vehicle. This moment is unavoidable, but you can have an influence on when it will happen. If you take care of your car, then you might be able to stretch out a few more years out of your vehicle! To do this, you need to invest in your car. Keep the engine well-looked by taking it regularly to a car expert, make sure it’s clean inside and out, and so on.

Learn how to Drive

The people who complain about how much cash they spend on gas are usually the same people who don’t know how to drive properly. By learning how to drive the correct way, you can greatly improve your MPG and thus reduce your gas consumption. Simple!

Look for Car Insurance

You need car insurance, but that doesn’t mean you should take the first quote you receive. The prices can vary significantly, and if you’re taking the first one you’re given, then you might be spending much more than you need to. Shop around, and you could save hundreds of dollars!  

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Concerns In The Car: Mentally Preparing For A Long Drive


A long journey, like a family trip, or a road trip cross-country is as much of a mental challenge as it is a physical one. Heading out on the road for long stretches of time can take it out of you, which is why you need to prepare for this type of journey, especially if you’re not used to it. For those people who have just passed their driving test, or are novice drivers, the prospect of a long journey can be incredibly daunting, but what can you do to mentally prepare yourself for this type of journey? And are there any simple things you can have at your disposal to make the journey smoother?

Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Before you even get in the car, you need to make sure that you are prepared to drive. This means ensuring you have adequate energy reserves. First thing’s first, you need to get a good night’s sleep the night before, so your focus and attention doesn’t waver. In addition to this, you should fuel yourself adequately. Remember, a considerable amount of calories is taken up by your brain, so you don’t want to feel that your brain is running on empty on this trip. You also need to minimize distractions in the car. There are so many things now, from smartphones to in-car technology that can easily take your attention off the road. And for so many people that have been wrongfully injured in a car accident, distracted driving is one of the major culprits. Minimizing distractions, so you can focus on the road, and ensure that you are adequately fueled and rested, and it will be an easier journey.

Plan The Journey

A lot of the stress in driving is due to feeling like you’re in a rush. If you’re in a rush to travel a short journey, and you feel anxious, think about how much more this is multiplied when you are going on a lengthy excursion. Instead, plan ahead, do your research, and consider the various routes to get to your destination, and you will feel more in control of the situation. By planning ahead and leaving earlier than originally thought, you will arrive at your destination on time, in spite of traffic and external problems.

Understand Your Stress Triggers

To mentally prepare yourself for a long journey, you need to understand what stresses you out. There could be the various distractions in the car, but there could be things that affect you. If you are anxious and prone to stress after an hour on the road, then break up the journey. If you feel depleted of energy because you haven’t eaten enough, have snacks, but also make sure you’re hydrated. Driving a long journey means that you aren’t always so quick to reach for the water bottle. It’s a simple thing, but it can help on a stressful journey.

Your energy, your stress, and your ability to plan other three things that will have an impact on the quality of your journey. Overcome these issues, and there won’t be concerns in the car.

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4 Reasons to Go on a Road Trip

Nowadays, it seems like everyone is flying to go on holiday. Of course, the availability and affordability of flights make this a much more viable option than it once was, but if you fly every time, you will be missing out on one of the classic forms of travel; the road trip. There are so many reasons why you should take a trip of this kind, and we are going to run you through just a few of the main ones right here.

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You Discover Places Along the Way

When you take a flight, you only have a single destination and you hurtle towards it at an extremely rapid rate. However, when you go on a road trip, you will discover some places along the way. Perhaps it will be the little down that you decide to stop in for lunch, the signposted tourist attraction that you simply have to stop at or a scenic view which you spot along the way – a car awning will come in handy if it is the latter. Taking the road less travelled is a surefire way to come back with some great travelling stories.

You Bond with the Other People on the Trip

Going on a road trip is a fantastic bonding opportunity which allows you to really connect with your travelling companions. After all, you will be spending hour after hour in each other’s company. Sure, this may become a little frustrating at times, but you will also come away with some fantastic memories. You certainly can’t simply make small talk for hours on end when you are in such close proximity to one another.

You Get to Know a Place Better

You are much more likely to get to know a place better when you drive across miles of landscape rather than simply flying over the top of it. You get to notice both the subtle and major differences when you drive from one region to another. You also learn a little bit more from the people you meet, the food that you enjoy, and the monuments and attractions that you choose to stop at.

You Become More Spontaneous

Road trips tend to have a much higher degree of spontaneity than other forms of travel. You tend not to be so fixed by an itinerary that leaves you rushing off from one place to the next. So, you have more of an opportunity to enjoy wandering off the beaten path and making decisions based on how you are feeling at the time. This certainly isn’t the kind of luxury that you are afforded when you are travelling with a fixed schedule.

A road trip is the kind of adventure that anyone can enjoy, and these are some of the pleasures that you will experience when heading out on a trip of this kind. So, why not get your car ready, gather together your travelling companions and hit the open road.

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5 Ways To Be More Vigilant When You’re Driving

You may never have realized it before, but you may have been in a few risky situations on the roads. That’s the thing about driving. It’s something that we see as so normal, yet it’s incredibly dangerous. So many people are afraid of flying but they’re fine on the roads. Granted, this may be more to do with space or control issues, but flying is statistically safer than driving is! However, as we all tend to drive everyday, we just don’t see it as a risk. With erratic drivers, drunk drivers, and even nature, there are so many risks on the roads each day, but we don’t always know that they’re there. But this is why we all need to learn to be more vigilant.

  1. Slow Down

First of all, you need to make sure that you’re always driving at the correct speeds. Do you honestly check the speed that you’re driving at when the zones change? Or do you just tend to assume that you’re driving at the right speed? When this is the case, you may find that actually, you’re speeding. Just a little over the limit may not feel that bad, but limits are limits for a reason. You’ll want to look into this link to find out how you can stay safe on the roads, in the simplest of ways. When you can make that commitment, you’ll know you’re doing your bit to be more vigilant.

  1. Lower The Music

If you drive around with loud music, you may be distracted. This may not be something that you’re all that aware of. Maybe you don’t think your music is loud. But if you can’t hear the emergency services, or you’re getting distracted by singing along or even doing some kind of front seat dance, then you’ll want to turn it down. Anything you can do to keep your focus and drive mindfully is important.

  1. Don’t Argue

Ever got into an argument in the car? It’s pretty scary, right? You’re trying to drive and pay attention to the roads but your kids are acting up and attacking each other in the backseat or your spouse has launched a world war three attack on you and suddenly, your attention is elsewhere. So the lesson? Just don’t argue.

  1. Avoid Driving When Tired

You might say that you have to drive, because you need to get to work on somewhere else, but if you’re too tired, it’s just too much of a risk. Yes, you can seek advice with this link if something should happen, but isn’t it best to just stay safe in the first place? So get enough rest before you hit the roads, just to make sure you’re more alert.

  1. Be Present

Finally, you’re going to want to make sure that you’re present. Ever get home from work and wonder what happened on the drive? When your mind is elsewhere, you’re not really vigilant. So forget about that thing on your mind and focus on the roads. It could be a matter of life or death.

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Put Road Rage in the Rear-View Mirror

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One of the biggest causes of car accidents is road rage. It can lead you into making all sorts of irrational decisions which you wouldn’t normally make. It can also make other road users into your competitors instead of working alongside one another to prevent accidents. In fact, it has been estimated that overly aggressive driving accounts for one-third of traffic accidents out on the roads. So, if you feel like it is time to deal with your road rage problem, this article will aim to give you a bit of advice that helps you to be a little calmer.

Get Enough Sleep

Many accidents occur during rush hour in the morning as people are trying to get into work. One of the factors which is contributing towards this is tiredness, so make sure that you are getting the eight hours of sleep that you need on a nightly basis. Feelings of annoyance, resentment, and anger are much more likely when you are tired. Another major cause of car accidents is falling asleep at the wheel, so this gives you another reason why you should get your shut-eye before driving.

Plan Ahead

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When you are in a rush to get somewhere, you are much more likely to become frustrated with other road users. Not only this, you are likely to end up driving faster than you need to. Add at least a few minutes onto your expected journey time and you can feel a little calmer. You can also get some traffic updates before your head out so that you know whether or not you need to add even more time. And you should also check the route so that you are less likely to get lost and add to your feelings of tension and anxiety.

Turn Down the Music

The type of music that you listen to has been shown to impact your driving habits. So, if you are a regular listener of heavy dance music, rock or something similar, it may be time to switch to something a little more calming. Classical jazz is a genre that has been shown to reduce stress, so this is one that you could try out. Otherwise, you could try listening to something a little more intellectually stimulating like an audiobook or podcast.

Give Yourself a Break

If you are on a long road trip, it is important that you take the time to give yourself a break. Ideally, you should be able to stretch your legs and get a bit of fresh air. If you are cooped up in your car for hours on end because of a traffic jam, you can at least roll the window down to get the breeze on your face. If you feel like someone has wronged you on the road, try some breathing exercises to calm down again.

Don’t Take it Personally

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The problem with many people who suffer from road rage is that they take every single negative thing that happens on the road as a personal attack. It could be a simple mistake in cutting you off or causing you to have to break suddenly. If you take to get your revenge on the other road user, this is only likely to result in further problems and nobody is going to end up as the ‘winner’. If you do find yourself in an accident, you could visit this website. Remember, you can’t control what other road users are doing; you can only manage yourself.

Stop Tailgating

Tailgating is a bad habit which is ultimately not going to get you to your destination a huge amount quicker. Not only this, you are putting yourself at the mercy of the car directly in front of you. If they suddenly slam on the brakes, you have almost no time to stop yourself ploughing into the back of them. And when it comes to claiming on insurance, this is going to go down as your fault. So, make sure that you give yourself plenty of time to arrive at your destination to reduce the temptation to drive in a dangerous manner to arrive on time.

Relax Your Grip and Use Cruise Control

When you are feeling stressed out about driving or in a rush, you tend to grip the steering wheel too tightly. In turn, this can make you feel even more stressed and anxious. Wiggle your fingers from time to time and try to practice a more relaxed grip to alleviate this problem. If your vehicle has cruise control and the conditions allow you to use it. This can end up being a great way to give your right leg a break and, in turn, bring a sense of calm to your whole body.

Keep Your Car Clean and Tidy

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Whether you are aware of it or not, clutter can end up adding to your feelings of stress. So, make sure that you take the time to get rid of any debris which is inside your car. You should also make sure that you keep the exterior of the car clean, and, in particular, the windshield. Poor visibility can lead you getting into dangerous situations on the road and this isn’t going to do your road rage any good whatsoever.

Spend Less Time on the Road

You can’t get road rage when you are not driving! So, you should aim to reduce your time on the road where possible. Perhaps you could walk or cycle more often and only use the car for long journeys. Maybe you could spend less time commuting by working from home more often. Ultimately, if you know that you have a problem, practicing avoidance may be your best course of action.

So, there we have just a few of the ways that you reduce feelings of road rage. Since you can’t control the driving habits of other people, it all comes back to you. But managing your feelings of stress to make yourself a better driver is certainly something which is worth doing.

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When Lane Switching Becomes More Than A Hazard

When the car first came on the scene, it looked like some kind of contraption out of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. All the levers, pedals and other gizmos needed to be worked just to get it to go forward a few mph. But as cars got faster, roads and streets were simply obsolete for mass and far distance travel. Just as revolutionary as the machines that would use its network, the highway system came into being. Highways allow us all to move across the country at our own leisure. We can cover huge distances in just a day and all because of the multiple lanes and wide highways. The only thing that impedes us from making large leaps in a single bound, are other drivers. We’ve all been in that one traffic jam that makes us wish we took the train but that’s not the only thing that inhibits us. Horrible drivers that don’t know what they’re doing, why they’re doing it or even where they’re going are extremely dangerous on highways. Einstein’s law of mass and momentum have rule over the highways so when all cars are going fast, a slight hazard can quickly become a devastating crash.

Photo source skdunning

Impatience causes dives

In 2015 alone, Americans drove 3 trillion miles. At least half of that is done on highways as the long stretches devour the distances up. It takes a lot of cars to achieve that kind of staggering mileage. The highways are getting more and more packed full of cars and that’s because the middle class has increased in size. More people have cars but the more drivers on the highways will mean a decline in the quality of drivers. Experienced drivers know the swings and roundabouts regarding highway culture. There’s a certain way to do thing but less experienced drivers may feel intimidated by the speed or simply not know the culture of the highway. Most people know not to cut off a car that’s behind. A vehicle that has been in one specific lane for a long time since you saw them is most likely set in their way and they don’t plan on making any irrational moves. Impatience to get to where you’re going causes, idiotic drivers, to dive into spaces that put others in danger. If you can spot a driver looking from side to side in his or her mirrors constantly or make strange steering adjustment, it’s far better to let them on their way. Give them a gap that’s safe and let them on ahead rather than having them drive behind or beside you.

Source Ryanandlenny

Brake checking

Lane switching is the number one cause of road rage on America’s highways. It’s also the top cause of moronic drivers break checking the car they believe is doing them a disservice. Perhaps they think you’re going too slow or cutting into their lane when they were trying to speed on through traffic. These kinds of people are literally putting your and their own life in danger when they brake check you. Getting in front of your car and slamming on the brakes then quickly releasing them, suddenly brings that car closer at a very fast closing distance. The natural reaction is to slam on your brakes and avoid the collision. However when you do all the weight and momentum of your car transfers onto your front wheels and this causes oversteer. The backend of your car spins you around and you can end up rolling your car. Suddenly lane switchers become more than a hazard when you’re severely injured. Thankfully a team like can prove your case for you. Since you were the car behind technically it looks as if you are in the wrong and the car in front with not a scratch on it, is free of all blame. Tough in negotiation and seasoned in litigation, this legal team solely focuses on personal injury cases. They have a wealth of experience behind them which is why they fight to win not to settle. Lane switchers cause more harm to others without causing damage to themselves because they don’t care about their own safety or damage to their own car while drivers trying to avoid them do. They force you to take drastic action and make maneuvers that cause you to get hurt.

Don’t you just hate it when you have to share the highway with an obviously emotionally unstable driver? It’s almost as if a wild animal has been let loose from the zoo. They can cause you to crash and become seriously injured while they ride off into the sunset like they are innocent. Avoid them if you can, and prosecute them if you can’t.

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3 Things All Drivers Should Ask Of Their Passengers

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In TV shows and movies, drivers and passengers have a tendency to chat to one another throughout the journey. You could be forgiven for forgetting that the driver is in charge of half a ton of metal; everyone is talking, making jokes, even throwing things around the car interior as the journey progresses.

Reality is very different. The behavior as mentioned above would likely result in a crash if anyone tried to do it in real life. It’s great to enjoy traveling in a car with your friends and family, but the need to be safe is far more important than having fun. You — as the driver — have to set the tone for how people behave when in your vehicle. While it’s fine to enjoy one another’s company, ultimately, your passengers need to behave in a way that lets you focus on actually driving the car.

To achieve this, you have to set a few ground rules that all of your passengers agree to obey. Here are a few suggestions that should help ensure you have a pleasant, safe journey every time you’re traveling with passengers…

1) Assistance when navigating

Even if you’re following a GPS, there may be times when things don’t go to plan, and old-school navigation is required. However, as the driver, you should not be navigating— you need to focus on the road. If navigation is required, then one of the other passengers needs to accept they must perform this role.

It’s always worth establishing who among the passengers will navigate before the journey begins. Having a designated navigator is incredibly useful should something go wrong, and helps to ensure you’ll be back on the right track as quickly as possible.

2) Keep conversation to a minimum in urban areas

It’s nice to be able to talk to your passengers; that’s a given. However, there are times when your passengers have to understand that you just can’t talk— because you need to focus on the road. As a general rule, introduce the idea that chit-chat should be kept to a minimum when you’re driving through built-up urban areas.

If someone does try to talk when you’re in such a location, gently point out that you need to monitor both your own driving and the driving of others around you. The last thing you need is for your concentration to slip; if this happens, injury and needing to file a car accident claim could be in your future, as you didn’t have the chance to take evasive action when a fellow driver made a mistake.

3) Take care of the trash

Here, we’re going to assume that you’re also the owner of the vehicle. If this is the case, then asking your passengers to respect the interior of your vehicle is the least you should expect. You can even make it easy for your passengers to adhere to this rule; place a few bags to be used as trash receptacles throughout the vehicle, or give one of these popular hacks a try.

In conclusion

By insisting on these rules being followed, you will be free to focus on the road and ensure everyone in the car gets from A to B safely— which, ultimately, is what it’s all about!

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