Biohacking Guide: How to Increase Your Overall Wellness

Originally posted on by Amber Theurer | May 26, 2020 Biohacking Guide

What is Biohacking?

Biohacking is a way to hack (I’m sorry I had too) your biology through DIY methods. It covers a vast range of activities, such as sleep, diet, and even using technology to enhance the body’s natural capabilities. When combined, biohacking modalities can lead to an impressive improvement in your overall health. Here is a biohacking guide with different methods you (yes you!) can use to increase your wellness and live a much more fulfilling and healthy lifestyle! 

Hack Your Metabolism 

Metabolism is the process in which living organisms extract energy from their environment and use it to grow and develop. We use the food that we intake, and through chemical reactions inside of our cells, turn it into energy. The more energy we use, the more calories we burn. To hack your metabolism, make sure you are getting enough sleep every night – for an adult, 8 hours is usually ideal. Another way to improve your metabolism is to regulate stress. Stress releases hormones that encourage fat storage and slow metabolism. Self-care methods like meditation and exercise can help reduce stress and heighten your metabolism. Speaking of food…

Hack Your Diet

Dieting —if done correctly — can improve both your physical and mental wellness. Intermittent fasting, when you don’t eat for an allotted time, can particularly help in doing so. Intermittent fasting can promote weight loss, reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and boost brain function. It can be done in a myriad of ways, so pick which method will work best for you and your body. While fasting, you want to abstain from foods that are high in sugar, alcohol, and turn to superfoods.  If you’re not a fan of fasting, you can also try taking supplements such as magnesium, which you can find over the counter at your local drugstore. This supplement can increase your overall wellness by reducing anxiety and heart disease. As with any supplement, be sure to consult with your doctor before you take magnesium.

Hack Your Mind 

Your body can only work as well as your mind can. So, when following a biohacking guide, paying attention to your mental health is just as important as your physical health. One way to care for your mind is to keep a gratitude journal, where you can reflect on the top 3-5 good things that happen to you each day. Doing so can help reframe your mindset into a more positive one. Meditating when you wake up or before going to bed can help you keep you clear your mind. Meditation can also increase your awareness, focus, and relieve pain related to stress. Stay mentally sharp by exercising your brain with activities such as reading or Tetris. You can also challenge your usual mental patterns by picking up a new hobby, such as photography or learning a second language.

Hack Your Skin 

Your skin is your largest organ and your body’s first line of defense against toxins. Therefore, skin health is more important than you may have once believed. Take a look at your current skincare and makeup products, and start tossing out the ones that aren’t vegan or use animal testing. Many of these products are likely to have harmful toxins, as the United States has only banned or partially banned 30 ingredients used in skincare and makeup products. Many commonly-used skincare ingredients are linked to cancer and can break down your skin overtime through hormone disruptions. Try switching to brands such as Adorn CosmeticsIlia, and Credo to clean up your beauty routine!

…And the Biggest Hack of Them All

 Cue the drumroll please for EARTHING! Haven’t heard of it? It refers to walking, sitting, working, and even sleeping outdoors on the bare ground. Why do this, you ask? The earth transmits electrons from the ground to our bodies when we let our bare skin touch it. Studies show that earthing can reduce stress and pain, as well as improve our sleep. Earthing is quite possibly the simplest way to up your wellness game. However, you might want to wait until this quarantine is lifted to try this hack out. #stayathome

Ready to Optimize Your Whole Self?

Using this biohacking guide, you can begin to step into a better you and improve your wellbeing. If you implement these methods and still want to take your health to the next level, we recommend trying higher-level modalities, such as IV treatment, red-light therapy, and sensory deprivation.  These methods can help you boost your immunity, flush out toxins, and accelerate muscle recovery. Happy hacking!

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Safety Precautions to Take During Coronavirus

The Coronavirus has changed the ways of life around the world. The fear of contracting the potentially deadly virus has led government leaders to enforce shutdowns of certain businesses. Now that there are quite a few businesses opening up it is time to be as careful as ever before. The infection rate of this virus is quite high with quite a few people carrying the virus with very few if any symptoms. People that have immunocompromised systems or are older need to be more careful than their younger and healthier counterparts. The last thing that anyone wants to do is bring the virus home to their family and potentially infect a grandparent. Below are just a few of the many safety precautions to take during Coronavirus.

Routinely Wash Your Hands

The largest lesson that has come out of this global pandemic is the importance of regularly washing your hands. The general public understood this but this is the best way to combat the spread of COVID-19. Keeping hand sanitizer in your pocket or purse can be a quick fix to washing your hands. Even if you wear gloves during the course of the day you should still wash your hands when they are removed. Take time to wash your hands as a simple 5-second wash is not going to get rid of all the harmful germs on your hands.

What Precautions to Take When Leaving Home

Leaving home can be quite intimidating as people have been on lockdown for months. Being trapped inside your home watching the news can scare anyone into thinking that the world is ending. The world hasn’t ended and people are beginning to go back out into public. Do not leave your home if you are not comfortable or the anxiety is too much for you as this is your decision. When leaving the home wearing a mask and gloves is recommended along with keeping hand sanitizer in your vehicle. There are going to be those establishments that do not respect the new rules so it is wise to avoid these places. Wash your hands when you arrive home and avoid hand to mouth contact until this has been done.

What Areas of Your Home You Should Clean?

Coronavirus cleaning for homes has spiked in popularity as everyone wants their home to receive a deep clean to make sure it is virus-free. Door handles should be a priority as the virus can spread from the hands to the mouth quickly. For people that live in apartment communities it is imperative to wash your hands after touching doors to get to your home. People that have home contractors or home service professionals visiting to touch up a room or fix an HVAC system need to be careful as well. The last thing you want to do is leave the home dirty after these people leave instead of cleaning the home thoroughly. You might feel like this is all overzealous but it is important to maintain the health of your family and friends.

Have Delivery Drivers Leave Items at the Door

With people yearning for social contact it can be quite easy to forget and interact with the delivery driver. Most delivery services have a leave at the door option in today’s climate which comes in handy. You do not want your pizza being delivered being the reason you contracted the virus after being safe in every other manner.

As you can see staying safe has a lot to do with being proactive and getting into the right habits. Humans are social creatures but have the wherewithal to stay away from others when personal health is on the line.

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6 Things To Know Before You Self-Build

How exciting is it to be in charge of the build for your own home? Well, we’ll tell you: VERY EXCITING!

You can be in charge of a build and watch your dream home come to life before your eyes. There is a huge process involved in building your own home, and it’s important that your build progresses as smoothly as possible. You must have a clear understanding on what the company you’ve chosen can do for you. If you’re going independent and choosing a builder yourself, you should consider everything from the fact you may have to hire an independent builder with a linear actuator for construction applications to the size of the land you have bought. A self-build takes a LOT of work, and you will need some help. So, let’s look at six things that you should know before you begin.

Person Writing on Paper on Top of Table

Image Source: Pexels

  1. Do Some Research

Before you can build your own home, you need to get your research done and understand exactly what the build is going to entail. The more you understand how the project is going to go, the more you can weigh up the benefits of calling in some reinforcements. You should also know when you should budget for the experts, such as in plumbing and electricity.

  1. Think About Finance

Independent financial advice is as valuable as the advice that your bank manager can give you. Speak to the experts and get the information that you need for your finance. You need to make sure that you can afford your project before you get started, or you will risk being behind with the build.

  1. Think Of The Possibilities

You want to build your dream house, but that doesn’t mean that you should go for the biggest house that you can fit on the plot. You need to think about enlisting the help of an architect or a designer to help you to map out your home. You can still have the house of your dreams, but with their help to scale the space, you can see it come to life and approve it properly.

  1. Get Motivated

A self-build project is not a small project on which you should embark. Establishing your forever home is not easy, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make it a beautiful place to be. If you want that energy-efficient house, you can have one, but you need to get motivated about this project. It’s important that you’re excited to live in this house!

  1. Have You Got Standards?

The final costs of the house will be dictated by the fixtures and finishes that you choose. There are variations in price between all construction systems and yet it’s not as much as you may think it is! Think about your standards and what you want for your home and you can predict the costs more accurately.

  1. Get Assessed

You may be building this house yourself but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use the services of an assessor. They can check in the ground for buried pipes, soil contamination and a range of unknown issues that you may not know about that could end up costing you!

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Avoid Home Disasters With This Top Advice

When you buy a home, you suddenly realise that this is the biggest purchase you might ever make in your lifetime. Sure, you might move on from one home to the next. But initially, a property is a big expense. Once you buy your home, it doesn’t stop there. You may want to decorate it, maintain it, and you may need to make some renovations. However, home ownership means that those costs or potential problems never stop. With that in mind, here are some of the ways you can avoid potential home disasters. Simple things can make a big difference, especially financially.      

Image source – Pixabay – CC0 License 

Don’t be left in the cold

As winter is fast approaching once more, your thoughts may have turned to your current heating system. The last thing anyone wants is to be left with no heating on the coldest day of the year. However, as your system may not have been used for some time, it’s vital to have it checked out to avoid any potential issues during the next few months. A professional will be able to predict if there are any lingering issues, giving you the opportunity to rectify it at a lesser cost. 

Avoid electrical disasters

The problem with our electrical system is that there is an abundance of things that could go wrong. Mostly ones that you can’t predict. Blackouts might occur during bad weather. Perhaps fuses blow up with electrical surges. You may even have put the wrong light bulbs into fittings. While electrical disasters can never be something you are prepared for, there are options to think about, just in case. If disaster does strike, you are ready and waiting to resolve them as soon as possible. 

Keep tabs on roofing after bad weather

Bad weather is inevitable during the winter months. With the wind and heavy storms looming there is no surprise that your roof can take the brunt of it. It’s always worth keeping tabs to ensure that no slates or rivets have come loose. If you can take a closer look. Depending on the type of roof you have, it may need specialists to help fix the issues. Companies like RPS Metal Roofing, for example, can help with metal roof incidents, whereas other building merchant providers might be able to help with slate or other materials that have been used. Getting the specialists in will ensure no leaks begin to take place causing further damage to your home. Water damage can cause damp and mould build up within the walls. All of which can be started with a leaky roof. 

Prepare for the colder weather ahead

It’s bound to get colder as each day passes during winter. So it’s essential to avoid any possible disasters that could occur due to the cold weather. One, in particular, would be to protect your pipework. Water pipes leaving and entering your home can freeze during the colder months. Once they begin to thaw, they can suddenly burst to cause you huge leaks and issues. Protecting those pipes with a foam surround is an excellent way to avoid your pipes freezing in the first place. You may also want to consider doing those annual DIY jobs like clearing the gutters. Wet weather can hit hard and blocked gutters could cause further damage if not taken care of. 

Let’s hope this has inspired you to prepare and avoid those disasters that could occur. 

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7 Mistakes Companies Make Managing Their Employees

Managing a large group of people while trying to operate a successful business is challenging. Leaders within companies have the difficult task of doing their job, as well as overseeing and directing colleagues. That being said, keeping staff happy is one of the most important things that managers do.

Many employees blame their boss for their unhappiness at work. Unbeknownst to managers and upper tier members of companies, they are continually making mistakes that cause unrest amongst staff. Here are seven mistakes that all managers and leaders should avoid.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels.

  1. They don’t express gratitude

Unfortunately, human error accounts for problems in the workplace every day. Such errors rarely go unnoticed, and the culprit is generally condemned for their mistake. Most companies deal with issues in a positive manner, but very few thank their employees when they do a good job. 

A simple “thank you”, or an e-mail expressing gratitude for hard work can go a long way. It’s crucial for employees to feel valued.

  1. They are too demanding

It’s common for employees to be overburdened with extreme workloads. Managers who demand too much out of their workers can expect low morale, below par productivity levels, and an increased likelihood of employees quitting. 

Research suggests that once a workweek surpasses 50 hours that productivity levels rapidly fall. 

  1. They communicate poorly

Effective communication is crucial to any organization. Employees should be given clear objectives, and they should know exactly what their roles are. 

Bad managers have notoriously poor communication skills, and often fail to deliver concise information. This leads to confusion amongst workers, low levels of productivity, and a lack of confidence. 

Photo by from Pexels.

  1. They don’t listen 

A typical complaint made by unhappy workers is that their employers don’t allow them to voice their opinions. 

Employees on the front lines of business can offer useful insights to management. More importantly, staff should be able to approach management about internal policies and procedures. 

External research companies provide services that analyze the internal operations of organizations from the employee’s perspective. This can provide useful information for businesses, particularly when it comes to staff diversity.

  1. They don’t reward employees

It’s important to celebrate successes in business. Employees, from top to bottom, should be rewarded when a company succeeds. This might involve a staff party, or it could simply be a piece of cake in the canteen.

Failing to acknowledge all of the roster’s involvement in company success gives off the impression that lower-level staff members are not valued.

  1. They micromanage

Micromanaging tasks demonstrates a lack of trust between a manager and their employees. Ultimately, it leads to a complete breakdown in the working relationship. 

Employees should be allocated responsibility, and they should be allowed space to do their job. Micromanaging is one of the most common, but most damaging mistakes that a manager can make. 

  1. They don’t offer perks

Job perks can vary. The nature of some industries allows for companies to provide exceptional perks for their employees. However, for others, such luxuries are an impossibility. This doesn’t mean that all perks are off the table.

If a company can’t offer perks that have significant monetary value, what’s stopping them from having casual dress Fridays, free coffee, or a quarterly staff lunch?

Small perks can make a huge difference when it comes to creating a happy workplace for staff.

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Where To Look When You’re Falling Behind As A Student

Noticing, recognizing, and acknowledging that you’re starting to fall behind in your education can be a pretty humbling and (admittedly) scary part of being a student. If you don’t catch up soon and start absorbing the material as you need to, then it can end in a knock-over effect that sees you behind for the rest of the year. But you don’t have to suffer in silence. Here are a few options you can take to make sure you catch up before too long.

Link – Pixabay License

Talk to your professor/lecturer about it

It might seem like the scariest step to take, especially if you’re used to the rather authoritarian bent of high school. In college, however, most professors and lecturers are going to be much more approachable. If you need to talk to your professor, be honest about what problems you are having and they may be able to recommend materials that can help you or provide notes. This is especially true if you need to request a deadline extension or extra time to catch up on work. The worst that can happen will be that they can’t help you, and you’re just back to where you were before.

Start (or find) a study group

For many of the more challenging subjects, you will likely find that some other students who could use a little help have already started a group specifically for catching up. If not, you can start a study group and even as your professor to announce it so that other like-minded people can join. When you’re going over a topic with people who are at the same learning level as you, it can help you engage more deeply with a topic in a way that might make it easier to get to grips with.

Find course notes online

The internet has broadly changed how we interact with our education. Not only can we engage with our lecturers remotely when we need to, now, but you will find that many past students will also have shared their experiences and notes that can help you. As such, if you need to learn something as specific as the lattice energy trend in chemistry, you can find a lecture that helps you address that specifically. In most subjects, you will find those who have effectively created and uploaded a lecture that you can sit with, so you can spend some of your spare time learning what you might have missed or struggled with in class.

Change how you learn

College-level learning is different from any kind of education you have had, so far. In fact, it’s designed to be a lot more independently driven. Your professor or lecturer won’t stop to make sure you’re always keeping up. As such, check out some tactics for learning at a college level, including using sketch notes, better interacting with the information you’re provided, and organizing your course notes as best as possible. Create a more efficient way to learn and it will be much easier to keep up.

The single biggest mistake you can make when falling behind is to think that you can catch up by simply redoubling your efforts and trying to do things the same way. You need a little help, now it’s just about knowing where to find it.

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How to Assess if You’re Ready to Buy a House

Becoming a homeowner is a dream most people have and consider it a crucial milestone in adulthood, whether it’s to provide for the family or set oneself up for a productive, independent life. Of course, there are a lot of things to think about before making the leap to buying a house. After all, it is a long-term commitment that comes with its own challenges. A good starting point is to give yourself a quick self-assessment to see if you’re ready to start looking into properties.

Here are some key questions you should be asking yourself:

  • Do you have the income to sustain a household?

In terms of finding an affordable place that you can start with, there are plenty of low-cost housing options, so it comes down to if you can get a mortgage loan and afford to pay it off on time. You should also consider whether you can handle all the utility bills that will come with your home and other maintenance needs on top of your lifestyle.

Will you be living alone, or will you be providing for others? Will expenses be shared? These considerations have to be done before taking up that loan offer so that you don’t end up having debts and late payments piling on top of each other. A suitable way to compute this is by checking your monthly debt-to-income ratio and the amount you have in savings.

  • Are you prepared for the upkeep that follows?

Houses come with a lot of maintenance needs, and that is not only another financial cost to consider but also a logistical one. Do you have the time, resources, and energy to take care of your home? Repairs may be needed, and consistent cleaning is required.

You should also think about any changes you might be planning on doing to your house down the line. Recent data shows that in the US,90% of new homeowners plan to remodel their home after buying it (even if they don’t plan on doing it immediately). It would be better to make sure you’ve adequately assessed whether you can handle this with the kind of property you’ll get and if you have a well-thought-out schedule and budget.

  • Have you mapped out the next five years?

One of the most important things about making such a major purchase, like a home, is figuring out how it can serve for years to come. Whether you are buying it for personal use or leasing out, make sure that it is in good physical state. Its location should not make it a regrettable place to be in at least five years down the line. Furthermore, you need to match your purchase with the lifestyle you plan to maintain. If you’ll be moving around a lot, consider whether it’s worth it to buy a house and if it will still feel like a functional space in the future.

These pointers should help you think things over and figure out whether it’s a good time for you to purchase your new home finally. Doing so will ensure that it won’t become a regret in the future.

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5 Tips for New Drivers to Feel Confident on The Road

Photo by Tobi from Pexels

If you’re a new driver, then you might feel anxious to get out onto the road for the first time. But don’t worry, this is perfectly normal. No one is a confident driver straight away – it takes time and motivation to become comfortable while driving. 

Although you’ll start to naturally build your confidence the more you go out on drives, there are certain steps that you should take to promote this. Through the following tips, not only can you do this, but they will also ensure that you’re as safe as possible:

Pay Attention to the Weather

Snow, wind and rain can cause extremely unpredictable driving conditions. And these dangerous and difficult types of weather can cause a new driver anxiety. Which is why before heading out, you should check what the weather is going to be like and decide whether that drive is 100% necessary. If it’s not essential and you don’t feel comfortable, then it’s better to avoid it.

Don’t Give Your Friends Lifts Straight Away

As a new driver, you might feel as though you have to give your friends rides when they ask for it. However, if you’re not feeling confident or comfortable with this, it’s vital that you don’t give in to the pressure. By agreeing to it, you’re only putting you and your passengers in a potentially dangerous situation – i.e you could become distracted by them.

Recognize When You Should Avoid Driving 

Whether you’re tired, angry, sad or hungover you should try to avoid driving. By driving when you’re feeling this way, your mind won’t be fully focused – something that’s very dangerous. And when you’re still under the influence, it’s also illegal. You don’t want to find yourself with a DUI conviction (some states have as much as 24,334 DUI convictions each year). 

Get Familiar With Your Car

When you get your first car and you start driving it, you need to get familiar with it. Start by making sure that your seat is positioned correctly, that your mirrors are adjusted and that you know how all of the buttons work. By getting to know your car, you’ll be able to steer clear of any problems that can be avoided. 

You should also make sure that your car is regularly maintained, so that it’s safe while on the road. This involves making sure that it’s oil levels are topped up, it always has enough petrol and that you get any issues checked out if you’re not sure of how to fix them yourself. 

Know Your Routes

Although you might rely on sat-navs at first, you should try and get familiar with any routes that you’re taking – especially if it’s a drive that you’ll have to do often. 

Therefore, it’s a good idea before heading out to sit down and study a route. Then, consider doing a few practice runs. You don’t want to get lost when it comes to doing the drive and you want to feel as confident as possible without it – which is why this is worth doing. 

Final Thoughts

So, there you go! Those are 5 top tips that new drivers can use to help boost their confidence while on the road. All valid points, they will assist in your journey to becoming comfortable in your vehicle and assured in your driving abilities.

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Making Your Living Space as Safe as Possible at All Times

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We all want to be as safe as possible in our homes. This isn’t all too surprising. These spaces are our safe havens – spots where we can let our hair down, kick back and relax. They’re the places we feel most vulnerable. We want to be able to rest in them without concerns for our overall safety and wellbeing. This particularly goes for now, when the coronavirus has forced many of us into our own homes all day, every day. But what can you do to make your home a safe space for you and anyone else who lives with you? Here are a few ideas and suggestions to help you along the way!

Tips for Everyone

There are certain tips that everyone should follow, as they can protect everyone’s safety and wellbeing. One is to make sure that your home has smoke detectors fitted and that they are all checked regularly. If batteries need to be replaced, replace them immediately. Carbon monoxide detectors are another good idea, as this gas is deadly but has no smell or taste, so can’t easily be identified as other gases may be. In a similar vein, making use of radon detectors and Radon Systems Maintenance is also a good idea. Make sure that you wipe down any items you may bring in from outside – such as food shopping – as the coronavirus that’s currently plaguing the world can live on surfaces for extended periods of time. Deep cleaning your house regularly can also help to keep you safe.

Living with Kids

If you live with kids, there are a few extra safety measures you might want to undertake to maintain their safety. They don’t have as much safety awareness as we do and you have to remove as many potential risks as possible to protect them within your home. If you have blinds in your windows, make sure the pulls and ties are wound around a safety clip, out of the reach of little ones. Store medication, cleaning products and anything else that’s potentially toxic in locked cupboards well out of reach. You may also want to consider child proof cupboard locks on other cabinets and doors so they can’t access food or other items without you knowing. Make sure you only have child and pet friendly house plants or plants in your garden. Ensure that the perimeters of your garden are completely sealed and that you have a lock on access points such as gates if they’re going to be playing outside. Stair gates are a good addition to your home if you have young children. If you have large furniture, such as bookshelves, make sure they’re properly fixed to your walls so they can’t tip over. These steps are simple to implement but can save lives.

These are just a few different pieces of advice. It may seem a lot to consider, but once you’ve implemented the necessary safety systems and have got into a routine of habit, they won’t take as much time or effort as you may initially think!

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Ready To Try Minimalism?

The concept of minimalism often refers to the idea that ‘less is more.’ 

But it has a deeper meaning at the base of it all. This is about making a conscious decision, reducing clutter, and only having essentials. Placing items in a space in a specific way to focus and amplify them. It has also been said that minimalism in the home can offer us less mental clarity too, as it only allows you to concentrate on what is right in front of you. 

In the early days, you might consider minimalism complicated. Because it can feel limited, but it actually doesn’t have to be that way. You can create a minimalist design with ease. 

One of the first things that you will do is declutter the room that you intend to have more minimal. 

Donating, selling, or throwing things in the trash that you just don’t need to use or not.

When it comes to minimalism in interior design, there are a few simple theories.

Photo by John Mark Arnold on Unsplash

Function over form

When you are moving to more minimalist interior design, this has to be done with a function at the forefront of your mind. Making your space functional and easy to use should be the first step. This means investing in smart storage, getting rid of things that don’t really add any value to the room.

Design Points

Details will count more in a minimalist interior than you might think. Because there is less ‘stuff’ in general, people are free to really absorb intricate details of the furniture that you do choose. 

Everything in sight from your couch to your carpet should convey a message. For example, if you find joy in grey and yellow, try to incorporate that in the colours. If you find that hammered metals and luxury velvet cushions make you happy, then work with those. It is always prudent to opt for quality items when you have less in your home. So when you are looking for high-quality carpets, you go to somewhere like Carpet To Go, and if you have blinds fitted, you go to a specialist for that. Quality counts.


Most minimalist interiors will have white or cream as a base because they bring a lot of light and air into a room. They also look visually pleasing. And can accommodate a wide range of other color pallets. 

Minimalism really means order, and this rings true for the color palette too. If you have unconnected colors in your rooms, it will create some visual clutter, which is harmful. In fact, visual clutter can be as toxic as physical clutter.

Choose a color that makes you feel happy and inspire some sort of emotion. Much of the colour palette that you choose will be dependent on the style of the room. For an office, you might want something that is creatively charged and bright, for a bedroom something more relaxing like blue or green.


Don’t be afraid to add your personality in terms of artwork and sculptures. They will often be able to stand alone because they have less clutter detracting from them. Which makes them more eye-catching, and in an even better investment.

Minimalism is about simplicity. Making sure that everything has a purpose, choosing death with it is relevant to you, and even simplifying your storage to make sure it’s easy to maintain.

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