3 Reasons Why Video Games Aren’t Harming Your Children

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The toughest thing about getting most children to do well in school is that the parents have to get them excited about learning. This is an incredibly mountainous task because when our children come home from school after showing dislike for the classroom environment or encountering conflict with other children, they will retreat into their own little world when they come home. This might mean that they spend hours on their games systems as a form of comfort, but rather than discourage this, it might benefit us all to know why gaming can be a very useful tool to help our children develop beyond standard education.

They Can Inspire

Games like Minecraft can inspire creativity and even something that doesn’t necessarily fit the mold of education in the traditional sense might spark your child’s imagination. You can always gear them towards more educational games if possible. 

This make your own country game certainly goes beyond typical platform games, but if your child retreats into their own world, if you can slowly encourage them to retreat into a world that gives them a lot more food for thought, this can benefit them in the long run. 

Games can be a gateway to culture where your kids can pick up a number of different experiences relating to language or cultures which can prepare them for learning in the future.

They Can Help With Problem-Solving

This is a commonly referred-to benefit of playing video games; as it forces us to learn how to create necessary solutions by accessing our innate creativity and logic this can help with problem-solving skills. Children can certainly get frustrated if they’re not able to progress to the next level, but this is where it benefits to show them how to break down a problem. 

If they’re not able to defeat a boss, what is it that they’re falling flat on? Is it because your child has not learned the pattern of movement the boss is displaying at that point to expose their vulnerabilities? 

You can then transfer this into the real world to help your children understand similar situations and apply previous methods of thinking to solve problems and help them to take each problem in their stride. We can all get frustrated if we’re not defeating a certain boss, which can also be a perfect opportunity to gain perspective.

They Help With Self-Awareness

If your child is retreating into a world of video games there’s a lot of benefits to playing video games over other approaches to downtime. If your child gets stressed you may encourage something like meditation or taking a break, but video games can be a more productive approach to downtime by helping your children learn new skills and work towards accomplishing tasks. This can help our kids to build more knowledge about themselves and you can encourage them to be well-rounded people in the future.

It’s not wasted time in the slightest. Ensuring that our kids get the benefits of video games can do a lot to give them a foundation in life, however, it is only one piece of the puzzle. We should ensure that they’re not glued to their screens!

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Unlocking Your Child’s Academic Potential: Strategies to Help Them Go the Extra Mile

As a parent, it is your job to help unlock your child’s academic potential and help them achieve their goals. This can be a challenge sometimes, but with the right strategies in place, you can make a real difference in their education. That said, this blog post will discuss some of the best ways to help your child excel academically. So keep reading for helpful tips!

1) Encourage them to set goals

Encouraging your child to set goals is a great way to help them unlock their academic potential. First, sit down with them and identify what their current goals are and what steps they must take to achieve them. Once these are established, work together to create short-term and long-term plans. This should lay out how they will reach their goals, such as outlining which classes they need to take or any extra studying they need to do.

When setting goals, it is also vital for kids to consider the time frame in which they want to achieve them. Discuss with your child the importance of having both short-term and long-term goals, as well as how this can help motivate them on their journey toward success. Additionally, consider providing support by helping break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces so that progress can be tracked more easily. This can also be helpful when it comes to celebrating successes along the way.

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2) Help them foster positive relationships

Encourage your child to build strong relationships with teachers, peers, and mentors. Studies have shown that having a supportive network of people can be an important factor in academic success. In addition, being part of strong learning communities can help motivate kids to reach their goals and provide insight into areas they need to improve on or focus more on. It can also help create an environment where students can feel comfortable asking questions and seeking out assistance when needed.

3) Provide enrichment activities outside of school

Enrichment activities such as extracurriculars, clubs, camps, classes with Ecriture, or competitions are another great way to encourage academic growth in your child. They offer opportunities for kids to explore potential career paths and interests while also helping to develop important skills and knowledge. Plus, they provide an outlet for kids who need a break from the traditional school setting and may not have the opportunity to learn certain topics in their day-to-day classes.

4) Keep communication open

Finally, it is important to keep the lines of communication open between you and your child. This means talking openly about their school day, classes, assignments, tests, and any other academic-related topics. Encourage them to come to you with questions or difficulties they may be having in any class. Additionally, provide resources such as tutors or online learning tools if needed.

By utilizing these strategies to help unlock your child’s academic potential, you can play an active role in setting them up for success at school. With the right approach, a support system in place, and encouragement from home, your child can reach their goals and achieve their dreams!

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4 Ways To Boost Your Brainpower Over The Next Few Months


Every single person on this planet wants their brain to function properly. They want to be able to think of solutions to problems right away and they want to be able to feel comfortable in their own skin. There’s a distinct frustration that arises when we don’t know how to answer certain questions and when we cannot get to the bottom of quandaries. The wonderful thing is that every single human being on this planet can become a much smarter version of themselves. If you feel as though you are not as intelligent as you’d like to be, then it’s not something that you have to worry about for too long. Nobody is born unintelligent and it’s a case of putting in a little effort to get what you want.

Becoming a little more intelligent in a few aspects not only increases the quality of life but makes your mental health a lot better, too. the more we learn in this world, the happier we become. Here are four ways you can boost your brain power over the next few months and enhance your life quite significantly:

Take Up A Few Creative Hobbies 

Creativity is not something that everybody thinks about when they look to increase their intelligence levels. It is a marvelous way of becoming a smarter person, however. If you are a creative human being, you will likely be able to solve problems a lot sooner than others. You will be able to attack ideas from certain directions and view things from different perspectives. You can increase your creativity by reading, drawing, writing, and so many other different things. It might simply be a case of grabbing some stencil paper and drawing new things but unlocks a certain level of intelligence in your mind.

Keep Yourself Energized And Hydrated

If your brain isn’t satisfied by food and water, it will likely not function as well as you’d like it to. Whenever we are lacking in energy, we lose our temper a lot quicker and we do not think as critically as we should. Get into the habit of eating nourishing meals and drinking plenty of water throughout the day as this will help out so much.

Always Look To Learn New Things And Never Switch Off

It’s very common for people to stop learning new things once they leave school. They feared as though they know everything they need to know and will not have to carry on with their education. This is one of the worst things you can do as your brain is a muscle that needs to be exercised regularly. The moment you stop trying to take in new information, you will likely decline somewhat.

Work Hard On Whatever You Do

Working hard is something that we must all do if we want to become more intelligent people. It’s a very good habit to get into and it’s something that can really benefit us all. You might feel as though it’s quite hard to motivate yourself in terms of working hard and getting things done, but it’s something that becomes very easy once you’re in the right habit. Once this kind of thing becomes second nature, you will be more inclined to pick up more information as opposed to ignoring what’s in front of you.

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Addressing the Educational Needs of Struggling Communities

Education is essential for a thriving community, yet many children in struggling communities do not have their educational needs met.

Parents and caregivers should be educated about the importance of education and the resources available to them.

Technology, quality resources, creative activities, and partnerships with organizations can help support students in need.

Everyone should work together to ensure that children in struggling communities have access to the quality resources they need to succeed.

Education is the foundation of a healthy, prosperous community. Unfortunately, there are many communities in which educational needs are not met, and children struggle to reach their full potential. This can negatively impact their future success and the economic stability of their entire community. Therefore, these educational needs must be addressed to help these children succeed. Here are crucial tips for addressing the educational needs of children in struggling communities.

Educate Parents and Caregivers

Recognizing that parental involvement is an integral part of education is essential. When parents and caregivers are educated about the importance of education, they can become powerful advocates for their children’s success. Educating parents and caregivers about available resources can also help them access materials or support for their children’s education.

Invest in Technology

Technology has revolutionized the classroom and made learning more accessible than ever before. Investing in technology such as computers, tablets, or even smart boards can give students access to a world of knowledge right at their fingertips while providing teachers with effective tools to help them teach effectively. You can also support students on the home front by helping to provide access to technology and internet connectivity.

Provide Access to Quality Resources

Making quality resources accessible is essential for students to learn and grow academically. Providing access to books, software programs, online courses, tutors, or mentors can prove invaluable resources for students who may otherwise not have access. Quality resources help to level the educational playing field and give students in struggling communities the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Foster Creativity

Creativity should be encouraged as it helps foster critical thinking skills essential for success later in life. Encouraging children in struggling communities to engage in creative activities such as art projects or music lessons helps foster creativity while teaching valuable skills like problem-solving and collaboration, which will help them throughout life regardless of the career path they choose later on in life. You can also use this as an opportunity to teach valuable life lessons, such as the importance of discipline and dedication. This can help instill the importance of education in their lives.

Partner with Organizations

Partnering with organizations committed to helping children in struggling communities thrive through education can be a great way to ensure students have the resources they need to succeed. Here are the organizations you should partner with:


Organizations such as the United Way, the Boys and Girls Club, or local churches may have resources to offer. Non-profits often have their fingers on the pulse of a community, so partnering with them can be highly beneficial for students needing academic help. They can provide resources such as mentorship programs, tutoring sessions, educational grants, and more.

Community leaders

Reaching out to local government officials, business leaders, and other influential members of the community can help open doors for students in communities that may not have access to quality resources. Community leaders often have the ability to provide additional aid or resources, which can be invaluable for students trying to get ahead.


Many businesses may be willing to donate resources and materials or even volunteer their time to help students in need. Businesses may also be able to provide internships or job opportunities, which can be invaluable for assisting students to gain experience as they look toward their future. Additionally, businesses may be willing to provide financial support for students’ educational expenses.

Educational Institutions

Local universities may be able to provide resources, tutoring, or even scholarships for students. You can even partner with a center for education development. This organization can help provide resources for teachers and students alike. They can provide the latest research in education and help develop curriculum for educators, as well as provide technologies and tools for students.

Everyone must work together to ensure that children in struggling communities have access to the quality resources they need to succeed. By educating parents and caregivers, investing in technology, providing access to quality resources, fostering creativity, and partnering with organizations and educational institutions, everyone can play a role in helping these students reach their full potential. Education can transform lives and entire communities!

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The 5 Best Ways to Get Your Kids Excited About Learning

As a parent, it is natural to want to give your child the best education possible. If you are a parent that’s been looking for new ways to help your child excel, there are many fun activities available to supplement your child’s education in a way that is fun for them. Older kids can get excited by reading about the college where they want to go. For example, they can read Alpine Academy Utah reviews to learn more about the place they want to attend. In this article, we will explore different ways you can enhance your child’s learning experience through fun activities.

Online Learning Games

Online learning games for kids, like Age of Learning, are a great way to supplement your child’s education in a fun and engaging way. There are many websites and apps that offer educational games for children, covering subjects such as math, science, and language arts. What makes these games so fun is their interactive aspect. Kids won’t get bored because they are constantly participating in the fun activities the games offer.

Image: Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities are a great way to supplement your child’s education while also promoting physical activity and a love for nature. Outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and gardening can help teach children about science, math, and environmental conservation. To turn outdoor activities into a lesson, you can point out things you come across, like leaves and acorns, and tell your child more about them.

Cooking and Baking

Cooking and baking are not only fun activities, but they also help children learn about math, science, and nutrition. By measuring ingredients and following recipes, children can develop their math and science skills while also learning about healthy eating. Let children measure out ingredients and count with them for an added layer of fun and engagement. If your child isn’t confident with pouring yet, they can watch and count along.

Board Games and Puzzles

Board games and puzzles are great ways to promote problem-solving and critical thinking skills. These types of activities can also help children learn about strategy, logic, and teamwork. When you are picking board games for you and your child to play, make sure you pick age-appropriate games. If you happen to buy a game that is too advanced, don’t worry! You can alter the game to make it more appropriate, or wait until your child is older.

Educational technology

It’s been discussed recently by Daniel Swersky, the importance of using educational technology for younger generations growing up in a digital world. A lot has changed in the way education is taught but moreso now that technology dominates much of our day-to-day lives. 

If you’ve not already done so, it’s worth making use of educational technology in the form of apps and software when you’re teaching children.

Reading and Writing

Reading and writing are essential skills for children to learn, and there are many fun ways to promote these skills. Encourage your child to read books, newspapers, and magazines that they are interested in, and have them write stories or create their own comics. A great way to get kids excited about reading and writing is to create a special space for them to do these activities in, like a reading nook.

Meanwhile, various valuable resources are available to guide your child’s learning journey. For instance, public libraries frequently offer diverse educational materials, books, and reading programs tailored to different skill levels and age groups. Perhaps you need online resources to assist your kids with reading and writing. In that case, educational leaders like David Krakoff offer high-level and accessible resources that explore various topics to harness your child’s educational development across various fields.


As a parent, it is important to find ways to supplement your child’s education in a way that is fun and engaging. By incorporating these five activities into your child’s daily routine, you can help enhance their learning experience and make it more enjoyable. After all, learning should be an enjoyable and fun experience for children. These activities are a great way to make that happen.

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Achieving Excellence: Top Tips For Boosting Your Child’s Academic Performance

Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels

As a parent, you want the best for your child, including their education. However, with the constant changes in the education system and the pressure to excel, knowing how to support your child in school can be challenging. This guide will discuss practical and effective ways to help your child succeed academically, from familiarizing yourself with the education system to fostering a love for learning in your child.

Familiarize Yourself with the Education System

One of the essential steps in helping your child succeed in school is to familiarize yourself with the education system. This includes understanding each grade level’s curriculum, assessments, and expectations.  Familiarizing yourself with the education system will help you better advocate for your child’s needs and to work with the school to ensure they get the education they deserve.  

Create a Positive Learning Environment at Home

Creating a positive learning environment at home can have a significant impact on your child’s academic success. This includes creating a dedicated study space for them, setting regular homework and study times, and limiting distractions such as television and video games. Additionally, it’s essential to be supportive and encouraging of your child’s education rather than putting too much pressure on them to achieve a certain grade or score.  

You should familiarize yourself with how to create a positive learning environment and adequately help your child.  You can do this, for example, through online research, such as through the online advice from Principal Brian Lumar, who is experienced in the world of education and helping students succeed.

Encourage a Love for Learning

Helping your child to develop a love for learning is one of the most important things you can do as a parent. This can be done by encouraging them to explore their interests, whether it’s through reading, writing, or hands-on activities. Additionally, it’s essential to show them the value of learning and how they can use it in the real world.

Communicate with Your Child’s Teachers

Regular communication with your child’s teachers can help you stay informed about their progress and any issues they may face. This includes setting up parent-teacher conferences, attending open houses and events, and keeping your contact information up-to-date. Additionally, it’s essential to work with the teachers to address any issues or concerns that may arise and to find ways to support your child’s education.

Provide Additional Support

While the school system is designed to provide your child with the education they need, it may not always be enough. Consider providing additional support if your child is struggling in a particular subject or area.  Asking for support is one of the critical steps a child can take to excel at school, and you should be on hand to help them if they decide they need it. This can include hiring a tutor, signing them up for extra-curricular activities or classes, or seeking other resources such as online tutorials or educational apps.

Stay Involved in Your Child’s Education

Staying involved in your child’s education is one of the most important things you can do as a parent. This includes attending school events, volunteering at the school, and staying informed about what is happening in your child’s classroom. Additionally, you can stay involved in your child’s education by helping them with homework and projects and discussing what they are learning in school.

Lead by Example

As a parent, you are your child’s first and most important role model. Therefore, it is vital to lead by example when it comes to education. This includes valuing teaching and lifelong learning, setting goals and working towards them, and being a good student yourself.


Helping your child succeed in school is not always easy. Still, by following some of these handy tips, you can set them up for success. Remember, every child is different and may have unique needs and learning styles, so it’s essential to work with your child and their teachers to find the best approach. By working together, you can help your child reach their full potential and succeed academically.

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How To Excel At School

School can be such an important time in your life, and it’s easy to give into the pressure. Lots of people end up dropping out due to the stress and workload, but those that do commit to college likely have a better chance of gaining a higher paid job in the future. So, it’s vital that you can take the opportunity to excel at school and really make the most of the opportunity. 

Thankfully, this guide contains some of the best steps that you can follow to thrive during further education, helping you to surpass expectations and utilize every day!

So, what are you waiting for? Read on to discover more. 

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Don’t Let Distractions Take Your Attention Away From The Task At Hand 

One of the most difficult aspects of education is the many different distractions that can take your attention away from the task at hand. College is littered with distractions, from parties and other drinking events to social media and more. You need to recognize that this is an important time in your life, one that requires focus and concentration if you want to stand any chance of thriving. You can party to your heart’s content when you’ve passed your degree with flying colors, but for now you need to sit down and pay attention instead. Don’t let distractions ruin your shot of getting the best possible grade! It’s likely going to be 2-4 years of your life – don’t waste it doing useless stuff that holds you back from achieving complete success. 

Find Inspiration From Motivational Sources

School can often feel like a pretty lonely experience, and amongst this isolation it’s easy to lose sight of why you’re actually there. Giving yourself the motivation to keep on trucking is key, but where can you find the most inspirational sources to help set you in the direction of success? Well, everywhere! You can follow inspiring social media accounts that post motivational quotes, find successful people like Dustin Popiel who used their school experience to maximize their future, and even hang a few posters around your study space that give you the drive to get through each task. 

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Support When You Need It 

One thing that is often quite rare to see in a further education session is a raised hand. People are afraid to ask questions for a number of reasons, with the main one likely being a fear of embarrassment. However, missing out on key information simply due to an ill-conceived fear of damaging your reputation amongst your peers could have serious consequences for your grade. As these Alpine Academy reviews show, an institution that cares about developing learning as opposed to simply telling you the answers will help you actualize your best potential, but only if you drive it from your end, too. You must never be afraid to ask for support when you need it, as that’s exactly what your tutors are there for! The reason you’re in class is to learn, so make sure that’s exactly what you do. It’s also pretty likely that someone else has the same question and will be eternally grateful for your courage to ask! 

Good luck in your quest to excel at school. 

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Encouraging Teamwork on Youth Teams

There is no such thing as a successful team unless teamwork is involved. When you are coaching youth sports, teamwork is even more important because you need everybody to be working together for the same outcome. Team sports when you’re a kid are all about friendships and fun and winning, and while you may not always win you need to make sure that the kids on your team are working well together. 

Fostering a good environment for teamwork is a big part of your job as a coach, and when you are writing your 4-part lineup cards, you need to ensure that you are able to get your team working together and that the people on your team are able to gel well. If they are not jelling, then all the cards you are writing to put your team in the right places are just not going to work out. So, you need to know exactly how you can ensure that everybody on your team is well able to work together and comfortable enough to do so. Here are some of the things that you could do.

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  • Encourage positive mental attitudes at all times. If you have kids on your team who are ambitious, then you already know what an attitude looks like! However you need to make sure that the attitude that runs through your team is one that is solid. So, instead of worrying about entertaining friendships and enemies and fights going on, you need to ensure that everybody on your team knows that you leave your troubles at the door and you work together when you were on the same team together. Winning or losing, everybody has to have a good mental attitude so that you can keep the team encouraged and moving forward and supporting one another.
  • Make sure you involve your team in team building activities. Not everybody enjoys doing these, but you need your team to be able to work together on and off the field. Team building activities put your kids in a position where they have to work with each other in a way that’s not just about winning on the team. It’s not always the easiest thing to do, we’re not going to lie, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Team building activities allow the kids to work together and discover each other’s weaknesses outside of the team support that you are doing. It’s a fun way for everybody to be together, and while it does take time for everybody to feel in sync, it does work out in the end.
  • What on team encouragement. There is only so much encouragement you can do as a coach, you need your team cheering for each other. So coming up with fun ways to cheer each other on and even working with cheerleaders to encourage each other is important. Encouragement is beneficial in a cohesive team because when kids are taught early on to encourage others, they will have success on every team that they are a part of. Remember there is no I in the team.
  • Teach the kids to play for each other. One of the hardest things to do as a coach is to get children playing for each other and not just themselves. They should want to do well for their teammates, and you can help to foster that if you are helping them to learn how to do this. Show them how to become a we player instead of a me player and you will have a table full of kids who are nothing but happy to see each other win.

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SkillsFuture Courses: Upskilling and Reskilling

With economic pressures increasing worldwide, people need better employment for higher income-earning opportunities. For Singaporeans, the Singapore government is offering the SkillsFuture Series initiative of SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). The SSG funds skills upgrading courses at the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), providing Certificates of Competency (CoC) for various industry skills.

What is SkillsFuture Singapore?

The SSG was established as a national initiative to offer Singaporeans the chance to realize their maximum potential across each life, regardless of where they start, by acquiring mastery of their skills. It is an attitude of always pushing towards higher excellence via knowledge, implementation, and experience.

The SSG has four main goals:

  • To assist people in making informed judgments about their studies, training, and professions;
  • To create a high-quality and comprehensive training and education system that addresses the demands that are continuously changing;
  • To encourage employer appreciation and career advancement based on mastery of abilities; and
  • To cultivate an environment that values and encourages lifelong learning.

Who Can Avail of ITE Courses with Certificates of Competency?

New graduates from secondary schools seeking to take post-secondary education and training full-time and adult learners wishing to expand their present skill set or transition to a different field are eligible to enroll in SSG-funded courses.

They will be equipped for work duties in an environment where success now mostly hinges on having the ability to compete, engage, and cooperate globally. They will participate in tasks that help them learn how to solve problems and practical exercises that let them put what they have learned into practice. This practical method will motivate individuals to continue their lifelong learning by improving engagement, comprehension, and commitment.

Individuals can stay technologically and professionally a step ahead by focusing on education and self-development. That will also assist them in maintaining their relevance and ensure their eventual success.

The SSG-funded credit certificate courses provide the following advantages.

  • More job possibilities
  • Improved job flexibility
  • Better job mobility
  • Lifelong education
  • Higher income
  • Increased career satisfaction

What Courses Does ITE Offer with Certificates of Competency?

The SSG-funded ITE courses with Certificates of Competency (CoC) provide training applicable to industries in eight developing and crucial areas of skills. From basic to advanced levels, each field offers various courses to meet the needs of Singaporeans at all learning levels.

Each certificate course focuses on developing abilities unique to each field and serves as a brief training program. A CoC may be completed in as little as one day, allowing the student to refine their skill sets and increase their work options. Following are the fields with CoC courses.


At the ITE business school, students will thoroughly grasp entrepreneurship.

Each course is intended to assist them in building a viable business, from developing effective marketing techniques to understanding key business processes.


Unmanned aircraft flying, air conditioner maintenance, electrical installation, and plumbing are some vital skills that students can choose to learn in engineering. Additionally, like top-rated producers such as Superior Farms, they may study smart farming, agritech, and urban farming. These may set them off in the direction of beginning a fresh career.

Electronics & Infocomm Technology

Students can prepare for the digital realm by becoming immersed in online applications, smart home technologies, data analytics, cyber-security, network security, and artificial intelligence.

Design and Media

Students can learn how to organize company processes for maximum productivity, assess the needs of potential consumers, and create solutions to customer-focused business difficulties using the design ideation technique.

Applied Health Science

Students may gain the information and abilities required to care for people with dementia, how to help with treatments, offer hospice care, and learn about smart urban planning and assistive technology.

Culinary & Hospitality

In the well-appointed and fully-equipped training kitchens, students will participate in hands-on activities while learning how to bake exquisite pastries and bread and expertly prepare espresso.

Subsidized Part-Time Short Courses

Adult learners have the chance to pursue fresh interests for self-enrichment and professional advancement, They will also learn new skills and acquire additional knowledge through ITE’s short courses. These quick courses help Singaporean adult learners advance, regardless of their life station. Any adult learner can readily incorporate short courses into their hectic schedule due to their short duration.

The ITE welcomes recent graduates who are ready to study more, working professionals who wish to acquire a competitive advantage, parents who want to learn new skills, elders who don’t let age hinder further education, and everyone else. They can explore various skill sets thanks to ITE’s wide selection of short-term courses. The fields covered include business, information-communication, computers, networking, engineering, gastronomy, lifestyle and wellness, and design and media.

Assistance on fees includes the following:

• The National Silver Academy will partially fund enrollment up to 50% for Singaporeans who are 50 years old and older.

• SkillsFuture Credits can be used as payment by Singaporeans 25 years old and older.

• The Union Training Assistance Program will support NTUC members.

• Some students may qualify for support from sponsoring companies’ Skills Development Fund.

Singaporeans are fortunate to have these opportunities to upskill and reskill through subsidized Skillsfuture courses. Therefore, they must explore the possibilities and find the course perfect for them.

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6 Ways to Get Your Child to Enjoy Reading

Children soak up information like a sponge, they’re fast learners, and usually have a solid sense of memory too. Even though children aren’t exactly fans of sitting, writing, and listening when it comes to learning, they are however major fans of getting active. The words “boring” and “learning” don’t need to go together. This is especially more apparent when it comes to reading. It‘s one of the best ways to allow a child to use their overactive imagination. 

Reading can get them into new topics, and feel as if they‘re transported. Plus, this is great for reading skills too. If you’re wanting to get your child to feel the love of learning, knowledge, and even reading for optimum child development, then there are some tips for you!

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Make an Exciting Library Visit

Children love to go to the library and they can spend hours browsing books and reading titles. But, as a parent, you want to make sure that they are not just reading the same book over and over again. So, how can you make their library visit more exciting? The best way is by introducing them to new genres of books. You can ask them what they like reading or show them some of your favorite children’s books.

You could also surprise them with a book that they didn’t know about. The best part is that your child will be so excited about their new discovery! Besides books, your local library can offer so much more! This can include activities like worksheets, reading to children, and DIY projects with children too.

Have a Reading Party at Home

Reading parties are a great way to get your children interested in reading. It is also a great way to bond with them as you read together. There are many benefits of having a reading party at home, such as:

-You can have more control over what books are read and how they are read,

-You can adjust the age level of the books according to your child’s reading level,

-It is a fun and interactive way for kids to learn new words and concepts,

-It is also an opportunity for parents to share their love of reading with their children.

-You can include reading fun books in your Age of Learning style homeschooling.

Think of it as a miniature book club, where you can read to them, they can read to you, and all of you discuss the book.

Learn to Read Online

There is no limit to the endless amounts of things that children can learn online. It should come as no surprise that learning to become a better reader can be done via software. There is software, such as ABCMouse available, that can help your child learn to read and develop other skills as well. If your child already has a device you should make use of it and get them to learn online by using educational software. It is easy and convenient to learn from home. It could be a good idea for you to look into online school enrollment too, so be mindful of that.

Share Your Memories of the Great Books You’ve Read

Children love to emulate what their parents do, they honestly just love emulating adults in their lives that they look up to, and this includes teachers as well. Why not share some of your favorite (child-friendly) books with your kid. It can honestly be one of the best ways to get your child to want to read.

Intro a Book of Your Child’s Favorite Show, Game, or Movie

A lot of shows, movies, games, and beyond are usually based on books. Everyone knows that the original is way better as books and comics are going to add far more detail. So, why not introduce the book to them? It’s a way to get them to learn more details about their favorite media. Plus, it can be far more exciting as they’ll pick up on side stories or hints that they haven’t known about. The book is always the best version, so get them to read it!

Bring Your Child to an Author Event They’ll Love

Sometimes, schools will pay to have an author visit the school so they can talk about their book. This has helped kids learn about books or even learn about their favorite authors. If your child has a favorite book, why not scout out when the author will be on tour? These author events will read an excerpt of the book, do a signing, Q&A, and so much more. This can certainly be worth your while, so make sure you put this into consideration!

Visit the Library Together at Least Once a Month

Overall, if you want to get your child into reading more, then why not take them to the library once a month. Doing so will allow both of you to feel more connected in the community that the library offers. Libraries are cheap, sometimes just completely free. With the number of resources they offer, it can be astounding what can happen. From reading some of the best literature to learning about topics not taught in school, getting this opportunity is great. If you chose to become a foster parent, it is vital to understand the exposure to opportunities and resources the children had before. A regular visit to the library can be a whole new world of possibilities that hold many answers to questions they might have and also to build and boost their imagination, which will be super important as they grow and develop. Also, remember that a library is still a public space, so be mindful of their social feelings and be sensitive to their needs.

So, these are some of the best ways to get your child into the world of reading. It may take time to get them into this, just make sure you don’t push at it. Children hate being forced to do things against their will. So open this up as an opportunity for them. 

Contributed Post.

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