What Not To Do When Buying A First Home

Picture by David Mark

There are so many potholes to swerve when buying a first home, which is why rather than a generic ‘What to do when buying your first home’ post here’s the what not to do’s. From using the advice below, you can expect to retain some of your money, time and sanity during the first home buying process.

Listen To Advice

Just to be clear, this title refers to listening to advice from those who have no idea about what owning a home entails. So if your friend Jack, who still lives with his mom reckons he has a few opinions about what your priorities be when buying a home, just ask Jack to write it all down for you, and then put it in the bin. Get your real estate advice from people who work with houses, such as real estate inspection professionals, people who own their own property or people who work in the real estate sector.

Think Bigger Is Better

It’s almost certainly not when houses are concerned. You might be thinking ‘hey, the lender tells me I can afford to buy this 5 bedroom house, awesome!’, even though you’re single, and will be cohabitating with your pet goldfish Lucky, and will never ever use even half of those rooms. This isn’t a good idea in anyone’s eyes surely, unless you are unreasonably rich of course. Houses are expensive, but not just to buy, to keep, to fix, to maintain, it’s a never-ending cycle, so where possible, opt for less house, less mortgage, less work and you will get less stress.

Rely On The Lender

Banks to an extent take an interest in your finances in so far as they want to establish what you can afford, comfortably. So if you have a house in mind to apply for, they will also demonstrate the eventuality of interest rates rising, and assess if you have the freedom in your budget to accommodate to this change and maintain the mortgage payments. Which is reasonable. But, some lenders, may suggest that due to your earnings, and based on their findings while assessing your finances, that you could, in fact, afford a bigger home. This is a wow moment for most people, but it’s a trap! A large family home means a bigger mortgage, and a bigger mortgage means more interest to repay. Therefore if you’re already settled on a home that’s big enough, avoid deviating from this plan and buy the home you intended to.

Reserve On A Whim

This is obvious, yet, people still have their houses repossessed because they can’t keep up with the payments. And some people will happily commit to a home they can’t afford at the moment, but hope to rack up the deposit requested in a short amount of time. Buying a home is black and white where numbers are concerned. You work out the deposit (and other home buying costs) you need to buy the house, if you don’t have it, you can’t reserve it, it’s as simple as that!

To save failing at buying your first home, choose a home that’s practical and affordable, check the house is worth its price, only reserve a home when you have the savings to cover all of the costs and avoid the temptation to keep upping your budget. Stay strong and logical when buying your home, and you’ll thank yourself for it later on.

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Who Wants To Buy Your Car?

Cars are an asset to the modern way of life. They get us around faster than anything that’s come before them, and they keep us comfortable whilst they’re at it. They can be expensive to own and maintain, of course, but knowing how to drive is a life skill, and owning a car is a great investment.

Which is why, when it comes to selling your car, you don’t have to worry about the demand. It’s out there, you’ve just got to find it – the area just outside your house probably isn’t prime advertising space!

So if you’re sick of leaving your car on the sidewalk, with a ‘For Sale’ sign prominently displayed in the window, only to have everyone on the street walk past and pay it no mind, this is one for you. After all, you need your car sold, and sold as soon as possible, to make room and money for the new car you’ve got your eye on!

With that in mind, here’s just a couple of places where you can find someone who wants to buy your car. Keep them in mind when the time comes to get rid of your vehicle.


Someone on a Social Media Marketplace

Social media has a lot to offer. Not only is it a place to craft out your own little portion of the internet, but it’s a place you can use to sell your items, whether they be some clutter out of your house or your old and used car you need to be rid of. A place like Facebook Marketplace, for example, is a great way to find someone in your local area to pay for the vehicle that’s clogging up your garage. And seeing as they’re nearby, they’ll be able to come and get the car in no time at all.

A Second Hand Dealer

There’s a car dealership in every town out there, and you can be sure there’s about two or three within a five to fifteen mile radius of you. Any one of them could be a second-hand dealership, or simply offer some second-hand vehicles, and they’d be a great resource to put to use if you’re trying to sell your current car. After all, whilst you might not be able to get your car picked up by the local Subaru dealership, you can think about offering your details to a user car salesperson who has a car lot of their own.

Head in to their office and tell them about the vehicle on offer. Of course, the terms and conditions are going to vary depending on where you are in the word, but there are some general rules you can follow: be sure to present the right papers and legal deeds, to prove you do own the car and can sell it, and that the vehicle itself has been recently serviced to prove it’s in working condition.

Don’t worry, there is someone out there who wants to buy your car.

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The Jobs You Might Not Have Thought About

When you ask children what they want to be when they grow up, they will all probably say the same traditional jobs. They will usually mention becoming a teacher, doctor, hairdresser, or vet. Even though these jobs are traditionally very popular, they aren’t the only ones out there. In fact, there are so many great jobs out there that not many people think about when they are deciding on their career.

Do you think it’s time for a new career? How about one of these fantastic jobs that you might not have thought about.

Professional Driver

Do you love going for long drives at the weekend? If so, then a career behind the wheel might be a great option for you. There are lots of truck firms, such as CRST, that are always on the lookout for both full-time and freelance drivers. As part of this kind of work, you will be able to enjoy driving all around the country and discovering new places. Of course, driving trucks isn’t the only kind of driving work, though, as you will also be able to become a limousine driver or a courier for a small local firm.


Tour Guide

If you love traveling, then becoming a tour guide could be a great way to earn some money. This is an especially great opportunity if you have a in-depth knowledge of a specific city or tourist hotspot. You will be able to set up in that location and offer guides to all of the visitors and tourists. This is the perfect job for anyone who wants to be self-employed. Don’t worry if you don’t fancy becoming a freelance tour guide, though, as many travel firms also hire guides on a full-time basis.


Doulas are becoming very popular and are helping many women bring their babies into the world. A doula is basically a midwife with a much more holistic view and method of childbirth. They help women come up with the best birth plan that meets all of their needs and wants, and will also be with them through every step of labour. If you love babies, then this is a great job option for you!



Do you love experimenting in the kitchen? If so, then you might have already considered becoming a chef or a baker. But how about becoming a brewer and making new beers? The beer industry is booming at the minute, so going into this industry could prove to be very profitable indeed. If you already know a thing or two about beer and brewing, you could always set up your own company. Alternatively, why not apply to one of the thousands of breweries that now operate across the country.

Driving Instructor

Another possible career opportunity for those who love to drive would be to become a driving instructor. Then you will get to pass on all of your knowledge and wisdom to those who are just starting their driving career.

So, which of these cool jobs will you go for?

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Is It Time To Start Working For Yourself?


In life, it’s always going to be important for you to like what you do. Working isn’t always easy, but it doesn’t have to be terrible. Nor should you hate it! While we all know that we have to work, you should also recognize that you spend a long time working. So you really owe it to yourself to be able to love what you do and make the most of your working years. Yet, when you’re stuck in a job that you hate, you can’t always do that. And so, it’s in your best interest to find a career that you’re going to love doing, and that you find rewarding. One way to do that is to work for yourself and create your dream career. Let’s take a look at how you can do that.

  1. Choosing What To Do

So the first thing for you to do here, is to decide what you’re going to do. Are you going to take your current job freelance? Are you going to write or consult or create an online product? Think about what skills you have, and what you can do to create a successful business.

  1. Creating A Website

When you’ve worked out what you’re going to do, then you need to set up a website. And it’s crucial that you set something up professional that you can use to showcase what you’re doing and get interest in your business.

  1. Marketing Yourself

The next thing that you need to do here, is make sure that you’re promoting your business and what you do. Because if you want to drum up business, for whatever it is that you do, you need to be marketing. So think about some of the tactics you can use, such as the top 7 advertising strategies, to do this. Make sure that you’re on top of your marketing, if you want to succeed.

  1. Managing Well

But there’s also something that you need to keep in mind – and that’s time management! Because you may find that you either are all over the place and struggle to stay organized, or that you’re just working too much. Neither option is good for you. Instead, you need to be managing your time well. So be sure to create a routine that will help you to be productive.

  1. Setting Goals

And finally, when you work for yourself, it’s so important for you to be able to keep yourself motivated and on track. Because that’s the thing about self-employment – the flexibility can be a bit too good! But when you incentivize yourself, you may feel as if you can work hard, put the time in, and get to where you want to be. Setting goals for what you want to achieve can help you to do exactly that. So be sure to have an idea of what you’re working for, and set some actionable steps in place to do exactly that.

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How To Sell Your Car Quickly

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When it comes to selling a car, many people are under the false impression that it’s going to be a super easy thing to do, and although it certainly can be easy, it’s not always the easiest thing in the world, and especially not if you’re looking to get it sold quickly.

However, as with many things, it can be done with some good planning, so in this post we’re going to share with you some of our top tips for how to sell your car quickly if that’s what you’re looking to do.

Get a full safety check:

Safety is a top priority when it comes to cars and whether you’re buying or selling, then it’s something that you should be taking seriously, so one of the very first things you should be looking to get done before you even list your car for sale or tell anyone about it is getting a full safety check.

Not only is this just a good thing to do, but it’s something that could help you sell it quicker because if you’re able to show genuine paperwork to a potential buyer then it’s something that will build trust and possibly help them say yes to buying because they know the car is safe and also know that they won’t have to spend time getting this done before buying.

Have paperwork ready:

Just like selling anything else of importance, a car sale requires certain amounts of paperwork and this is all stuff that you should have organized and prepared in advance, so making sure you have this ready from the start is possibly going to help you make the sale a bit quicker if you’re in a pinch and need to get it sold fast.

Be flexible with the price:

When it comes to selling a car, obviously they go down in value the longer they’re owned, so it’s important to be realistic with what your expectations are in terms of money. However, if you’re not sure what to sell your car for without getting a bad deal or without offering too high and not getting a buyer, then a good idea would be to search online for places that sell used Ford trucks and cars to see what other people are asking for theirs. Remember, if you’re looking for a fast sale, then you may need to be a bit more flexible with the price.

Have it cleaned professionally:

Presentation is everything, so if you’re hoping to sell your car quickly, then a good move would be to have it cleaned professionally both inside and outside, and even consider getting it waxed or painted if that will boost your chances of a sale in any way.

We hope that this post has been useful in helping you decide which steps you need to take in order to sell your car quickly so that you don’t find the whole process completely overwhelming and confusing or end up getting ripped off or messed about by people who aren’t really serious about buying your car.

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Simple Money Saving Ideas ( That Are Great For The Environment Too!)

The thing about saving money is that often, it’s not just good for your pocket, but it’s also great for the environment too, something that is becoming increasingly more important these days. In fact, there are some simple tactics you can use to make sure that both you and the earth are better off. Read on to find out what they are.

Buy used

First of all, when it comes to saving money going for an item that has been used or pre-owned can really help you save money.

Of course, the key here is to know that the thing you are buying is in good condition and will do the job that you need it to. What that means is that you need to scrutinize it before purchase, or alternatively be sure to get your used item from a reputable vendor like the one you can see when you click here that offers used car transmissions. After all, if you don’t from someone you can rely on you could end up paying out more for a new part if it’s not up to doing the job.

Additionally, buying things like used car parts can be better from the environment because it means new ones don’t need to be manufactured. This being something that saves physical resources, as well as energy in production and transportation too, as long as the parts are working efficiently.


Next, if you want to save money in your own home, it can really help to insulate. This is because insulation can help you to maintain a comfortable temperature in your residence, whether that is cool in the summer or warmer in the winter.

Of course, the less energy you need to consume to heat your home, the better it is for the environment as well, so insulating isn’t just good for you bank balance, but for the Earth too.


We live in a disposable culture, where we tend to buy new items as soon as something breaks, and then throw away the old ones. Of course, that isn’t a suitable model either for the planet or of our own financial stability, as always buying new things, it can cost a great deal of money.

To that end, something that can be useful both financially and environmentally is to recycle as much as possible, as well as buying things that are designed to last a long time.

In fact, it is entirely possible to swap out plastic items from glass ones that have a much longer life in the home, and so are much more environmentally friend because they can be quickly melted down and made into something else if they get broken or are usable in their current state.

Recycling at home can save you money, as well as help to save the environment.

Don’t forget that you can also choose to recycle item within the home to save you having to buy brand new things too. Something that can conserve money and also prevent our landfills from filling up with trash and polluting the environment as well.

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Getting A Grip On The Problem With Generalized Job Searches

You wouldn’t be alone if you automatically turned towards big-name agencies when hiring for your business. These are popular companies everyone knows, and there are certain benefits to using them. These agencies are the best chance you stand at reaching as many people as possible in a short period.

But, you know what they say; quality rather than quantity. The sad fact is that the most significant agencies don’t ensure you the best staff. Forever turning to them could even make employment harder. That’s not ideal at a time which is already filled with stress and pressure. Instead, you should aim to make life easier. But, here are a few reasons why top agencies might not be the best way to do that.

Employment takes longer

While more applicants seem like a plus, it means employment takes you a lot longer than it might otherwise. That’s because you’ll fall foul to something of a needle in a haystack effect. Sure, you’ll receive a considerable deal more applications this way than you might elsewhere. But, you’ll also find that the quality of most of these applicants isn’t up to scratch. As such, you’ll have to sort through each one in the hope of finding the ideal person. Worse, there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to find them in the end. Instead, you may need to keep that job posting open for longer. That means taking even more time out and spending more to keep yourself at the top of listings. All of which you could avoid by opting for a smaller or more specialized service.

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Applicants are less qualified

General job agencies and searches do what they say on the tin. They target job advertisements towards the masses. That means you’re going to get a lot of unqualified applicants. If you’re looking for someone with experience, that’s a problem. It also makes it far less likely that you’re going to end up with a quality team behind you. By doing your research instead of taking the easy route, you’ll find that many smaller agencies specialize in specific industries. There are options out there for filling everything you could imagine from trained accounting positions to temp driving jobs. Even a week of advertising with agencies like these should turn up endless qualified applicants. That’s compared to the zero that larger agency might offer.

You’re competing with the masses

While more job seekers are using large agencies, there are also more companies. This is somewhere any business is liable to post. As such, every posting you place here will be competing with hundreds of others. That could see you not even getting the attention you were hoping for. You may have to remove your listing with little more than a trickle of applicants. But, as you may have guessed, a smaller or more specialized agency is liable to have far fewer companies on their books. That should mean more applicants for you, even though fewer people are using the agency on the whole.

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Maintaining Wellness During and After Divorce

by Sandra Hughes

Navigating a divorce is stressful and unpredictable.  Regular exercise and a healthy diet go a long way in managing our stress and making us feel a whole lot better in general. A grounding activity like yoga or Pilates is relaxing and helpful. Maintaining healthy habits and taking care of ourselves is vital during this uncertain time.

My Journey to be Well

Around the time that I separated in 2014, I read an article about staying healthy during divorce. I started a holistic health care regimen while I was going to graduate school. Just as that regimen helped alleviate the stress and pressure of school, it stood to reason, it would help alleviate the stress and pressure of the divorce process. That article certainly confirmed it, so I continued my health and wellness path, switching modalities as needed, based upon how I was feeling and what I needed at the time.

For example, when I first began my holistic journey, I adopted a daily meditation practice. That was fine-tuned later when I took a Spirituality in Leadership class in business school; then I started taking classes to learn Qigong, the meditation practice that goes with Tai chi. Now I do a simple 10-minute breathing/meditation exercise every morning and set my intention for the day. It doesn’t take a lot of time, but it is a very simple, grounding experience.

Exercise is key. I try to walk or use the elliptical every day, preferably in the morning, after my meditation exercise and before I start checking and getting involved in answering and sending emails. If I exercise first thing, then I’ve done it and don’t have to think about it for the rest of the day.

Get Yourself a Team

The rest of my wellness regimen is covered by my wellness support team. Much of the stress and unpredictability of your divorce can be alleviated from the beginning, if you put a wellness support team in place, and I highly advise it. The wellness team members are there in their expert capacity in each of their modalities to help you deal with the stress and intense emotion caused by the divorce.

My suggestion is to get referrals for all of these team members from people that you trust, family, friends or colleagues, and then interview each to make sure that the person is the right fit for you. It is important that you feel truly supported by each of your team members.

The Four Members of your Wellness Team

Therapist (LFMT, MFT) – Hopefully your divorce attorney or mediator has suggested that you start seeing a therapist; I am suggesting that you do. There will be a lot of emotion during the divorce process and a lot of diving deep into the whys and hows of your relationship. A therapist is the best person to work through all of that with you.

Massage Therapist – Massage is a great stress reliever. I started having regular massages about eight years ago and it has made a world of difference relieving stress during my divorce.

Acupuncturist and/or Chiropractor– Either or both of these practitioners helps relieve the stress that manifests itself in different parts of our bodies, most often our neck, shoulders and spine. We tend to tighten all of these when we are stressed and in “fight or flight mode”.  Personally, I hadn’t been to either for 30 years because my first experience with both was not that great: huge needles at the acupuncturist and intense bone cracking at the chiropractor. I learned recently that there are acupuncturists who use little thin needles with great effect, and a chiropractor who uses less intense bone cracking techniques. I am now a huge fan of both and I receive treatments regularly. Both have done wonders helping me to achieve stress relief! Also, it is often possible to find practitioners who are also covered by health insurance.

Certified Coach – A certified coach plays a different role than a therapist. A coach is more like a mentor, a person with whom you discuss your goals and your plan for achieving them. In the process you explore your values and life purpose. A coach will guide you and help you to be accountable for what you say you want/are going to do. Together, you will create a vision of your reinvented life!

My wellness team told me they were pleased that I was being proactive and preventative in keeping myself healthy during this time in my divorce, instead of waiting to seek them out when the process was over and I was ill from the stress of it all. That, unfortunately, is what most of their patients did. I encourage you not to be MOST patients! I celebrate your continued path to health and well-being!

To learn more about navigating the transition of divorce, visit my website at http://www.sbhcoaching.com. You can also join my private Facebook group at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LifeReinventedPrivateGroup


Sandra Hughes is a leadership coach for adults 40+ going through significant transitions. She  created Life Reinventedto help people navigate divorce. She has a CPCC designation from The Coaches Training Institute, and MBA from Santa Clara University. Sandra had a long corporate career before navigating her own divorce after 27 years of marriage. She is committed to helping people achieve integrated lives and finding the joy they deserve.

You can learn more about homesharing at Silvernest.com – Silvernest boldly breaks the rules of aging so you can share your home on your own terms. We’re creating the next generation of roommates. A more modern kind. A well-matched kind. A kind that’s just your style. Because around here, the details are totally up to you.

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Recycling For The Greater Good

Photo by mali maeder from Pexels

When people think about recycling, they usually think of the bins, the tin cans, and the cardboard and while that is an essential part of recycling, it is also just the tip of the iceberg. There are loads more things you can recycle, and the benefits are endless. Recycling can help you to declutter your house at the same time as doing something good for the environment.

Start with small things such as batteries. Did you know that batteries can be recycled? There are several shops including Ikea which will accept your old, duff batteries limiting the number of batteries being dumped with other trash as they contain some heavy metals and toxic chemicals.

While it’s nice to have shelves full of books, it can also add clutter to your house. While there’ll be some of personal value to you that you can’t bear to part with, many of your books could be donated to second-hand bookstores, to the local library, local shelter or to charity. Or you could even make some money by selling them on Amazon.

Even if your car is a load of scrap, it can still be recycled at a junkyard. A vehicle will be crushed and then sold as scrap metal, which can sell for a high price these days meaning that you could get a tidy sum for an old banger, depending on the metal. Remember to clean it out thoroughly before it goes in though. Check all the cracks and crevices as you never know how much loose change or jewelry you might find and don’t forget to check the glove box either.  If your car is in too good shape for the scrap heap, then you could always take it to used car dealerships and buy from there also.  

As people upgrade their phones, as they must have the latest model – there are loads of phones and devices getting thrown away each year. Then there are all the ones which have been dropped or smashed, plunged into water or just lost then that’s another load going into the trash…so try not to add to it. If you’ve finished with your phone then have a look at companies who will buy used phones off you, some for parts and others to be wiped and sold on for someone else to use. Otherwise, if you’re feeling generous, you could donate your unwanted phone to Hope Line. Just make sure you wipe your phone of any personal data (numbers, notes, etc.).

The same goes for computers and other electronics. While most recycling centers have specific areas for your old televisions, computers, and fridges, there are different ways to get rid of your things and do-good while you’re at it. There are places which will accept used computers and electronics such as Best Buy or Cex and they might even pay you for it. Then there’s donating to Computers For Schools or the National Center for Electronics Recycling. Just make sure you wipe the hard drive to make sure there is no personal or identifying information left on the computer.

Both inkjet and laser printer cartridges also come with recycling instructions in the package. Just remember that before you recycle, to put the cartridge back into its original casing. If not, put it in a plastic bag.

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5 Common IT Issues In Small Businesses

Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash

When running your own business there are lots of different issues you can come across, especially when it comes to your IT services. Whether it’s a problem with your hardware or a security breach, you need to ensure you have as little downtime as possible when it comes to your business. With that in mind, here are 5 common IT issues small businesses should avoid:

– Unpredictable System Outages

Although it’s hard to avoid unpredictable system outages, making sure you’re using reputable companies is a great way to ensure this happens as little as possible. Whether it’s the company you use for your server or the people who host your website, you need to sure it’s not going to stop all of a sudden. For a guide to choosing great service providers, you can visit this site here.

– Endless Computer Issues

One of the most common issues people face when running their business revolves around their computer or laptop. Although you may have a little bit of experience when it comes to IT, often the issues that arise are too complicated to fix on your own. In that situation, it’s always best to ensure you’re asking an IT support team or professional for help. Not only will they be able to help you fix your issue, but they’ll also be able to tell you how to prevent it happening again. For more information about preventative maintenance, you can visit this site here.

– Problems With Cyber Security

Cybersecurity is another important issue when it comes to IT within your business, and it’s important you’re doing everything you can keep your computer safe. This means using secure email systems, password protecting files and ensuring you have trusted antivirus software on your computer. For more tips and tricks when it comes to keeping your IT systems safe, you can visit this guide here.

– Difficulty Accessing Files

Although this isn’t as common, people often experience difficulties accessing files. Whether it’s because they don’t have the recommended software or they have corrupted the file, not being able to open an important document can result in complications within your business. If this happens, the best options it to contact someone who knows how to regain access to files or to search online for the best possible solutions. Whilst you may find tools that claim they can change corrupted files, be careful of what you’re downloading.

– Slow Computers And Software

Finally, the most common issue people will face is a slow computer or slow software on their computer. Whilst this is often due to the quality of the computer, maintenance also plays a big part. Keeping on top of the filing systems and the programmes on your computer is the best way to ensure everything runs as it should. Keep things clutter-free and your computer will run as smoothly as it did when you first bought it.

Are you facing a lot of IT issues as a small business? What can you do to help prevent them? Let me know in the comments section below.

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