How User Friendly is your Business?

When you think of ways to make your business better the things that often come to mind are things like cost efficiency, hiring the right employees, making sure your product or service matches your customer needs, and maybe whether or not you should partner up with another business or add a new product or service.

But, another thing to consider is how user friendly your business is. Or not.

You may have the best product or service in the world but it may not matter if your customers can’t reach you or they can’t get service when they need it or if your business is just too difficult to navigate. And this can mean things not often thought about by business owners and managers.

How Reachable is your Business?

Your phone number and website address being listed and advertised may work great at getting your business noticed. But when someone calls, do they get an answering message? This in itself isn’t bad if your phone is ringing off the hook, but how easy are the instructions in the message? If your customer is told that they can stay on the line to wait for the next available service person, that is fine! Better is if the system can tell them how many callers are ahead of them and the approximate wait time.

If your system asks your customers to leave a voicemail, then make sure the call is returned promptly. Still, many customers like myself are wary of this as so many times voicemail messages left remain unanswered.

Also, try to avoid systems that cut people off after a certain time or make a customer have to re-key the numbers to reach the person or department they need to reach.

A good phone answering system will let the customer know the business hours, allow them to stay on hold without having to re input the information they’ve already input, and will give them an approximate wait time. And if there is an unusual situation where they cannot be served at that time, a message should be included that tells them that and apologizes to them and gives them an approximate time when they can call again and get through to your business.

Remember, the harder a customer has to work to reach you by phone, and the more hoops that they are made to jump through, the more likely they are to just give up and go to your competitor!

How Good is your Website?

Your website is another area that needs to be user friendly. Is your site easy to navigate? When someone orders your product or service online, is there a clear path to checkout or are there many confusing pathways that can lead them to oblivion?

If they want to find out about one of your products, is it easy to do a search and if so, does the product come up or does a whole lot of unrelated products come up?

And perhaps most importantly, do all of the buttons and clicking areas work properly? And do pop-ups appear on the side or in front of what your customer is reading, and are they relevant and not annoying?

I remember I used to read a website where you could sign up for a free membership to recieve their email newsletter, so I did. But one annoying thing was that a pop-up inviting you to sign up for the newsletter that I was already signed up for would always appear right in front of the story I was reading!

This would be as if you had signed up for a membership to one of the movie theatre chains. Then every time you go to a movie the movie starts, then this guy comes in and stands in front of the screen while the movie is already playing and tried to tell you all about the advantages of signing up for the membership you already have! Now that would be annoying, wouldn’t you say? That’s what a pop-up like the one I described would be like. Avoid this in your website, your customers will love you for it!

Have a “Gatekeeper”

By gatekeeper, I mean someone at the front desk or office. Someone who is always there, ideally two people, so that a customer never comes in to a completely empty office and wonders if they can even get any service.

Also, there’s security to consider.

I deliver auto parts and see this all the time, where I get to a shop and no one is in the front office, and sometimes not anywhere, even in the service bays! And I think that if a thief were to come along, they’d have a field day! Ok, maybe you have security cameras and a sign indicating as such, but a thief may still take the chance, and even if the thief is eventually caught and you mange to get your stuff back, it’s not worth the hassle!

And a customer who arrives at an empty business may be turned off if they have to wait too long!

Yes, it may mean that you have someone, or two people who may get paid for sitting around at times, but it’s worth it if a customer finds a human being they can talk to and find out if they can get service or even if the gatekeeper can only say that you’ll be back in an hour, at least the customer knows where they stand in the situation. And the would be thief is less likely to try to steal anything when there’s a witness there.

Just make sure that they are not pulled into other duties that would keep them out of the front office or reception area and thus leave the front office empty again!

You May Want to Leave Fido at Home

Yes, I know, your wonderful big dog is your lovey dovey baby and you just have to have him with you at your business. And yes, your wonderful dog may be truly be the sweetest thing on Earth. But your customers don’t know that unless they’ve been with you awhile. But, you do want new customers, right?

The trouble is, if that new customer isn’t used to dogs or worse, has even a slight fear of dogs, one step into the office, where they are not expecting a dog to be, can scare them and put them off.

And if your dog does bite a customer unprovoked on your business premises during business hours, that could bring you a lot of headaches.

If you really can’t leave your dog at home, try sectioning off the office and putting the dog there. The customer with the fear of dogs will feel more comfortable.

Make things Easy for Vendors and Employees Too!

How you treat your vendors and employees matters, too and the better your business’ usability is for them the more smoothly things will run.

Vendors are very important as they need to know where to put incoming supplies, where they need to pick up returns and clear instructions where needed. Again, when I’m making deliveries on the job, the best shops in this regard have posted instructions on where to place incoming items, and where I can pick up anything that needs to be returned for each specific company that they receive deliveries from, all clearly labeled, as well as any specific instructions if needed.

Two things to remember about your vendors is that they get to often see parts of your business that customers may not see, and also, they deliver to and service many different businesses, all with their own rules and instructions, so you can’t always expect them to remember your specific rules, which is why it’s best to have any instructions and info posted clearly for them.

This also helps your employees, as they will know where parts and supplies are to be delivered and won’t have to go hunting for them.

Also, it’s best to make sure that your employees not only have the supplies they need but also can depend on them to work properly. This especially goes for any technology that they need to use on the job. The salesperson out in the field who has to use a tablet from the company can’t have it go off line or be unable to access certain sites or forms periodically! Unreliable systems will make that employee unreliable and it won’t be that employee’s fault, but yours!

This also goes for company rules and procedures. Compliance needs to be made clear and easy in order for the business to run smoothly.

And lastly regarding vendors and employees, remember, they can also be customers and advertisers. A vendor who finds your business easy to work with and an employee who finds your business easy to work for are both likely to recommend your business to others. That’s free advertising, the best kind!

Location, Location, Location!

If your business is already established, location may be difficult to change, but, if you are just starting out and haven’t picked out a business location, or if you are thinking of relocating your business, location is very important! And not just for being in a high traffic area!

When thinking about a business location, ask yourself about it’s usability, as well as the questions about traffic volume. Is parking easy for the location, or would customers have to park 5 blocks away on a good day?

Is your location big enough to accommodate your type of business? Again, in delivering auto parts, I notice some shops hardly have any space at all! They may have room for only a few cars, which are jammed into their tiny lot with absolutely no room for any new customers to park! And the area is such that street parking is almost always unavailable unless you go that 5 blocks away! Delivering to some of them can be a real pain and customers may be turned off as they cannot even park at the shop to have a mechanic take a quick look unless they move 3 cars out of the way which would mean parking them blocks away or blocking the street which could cause other problems!

Other shops have lots big enough for multiple cars and lot’s of parking and it’s not always the big chains, but also single privately owned shops where the business owner obviously thought about these peripheral things that really do matter! And these can make a bigger difference than many business owners may think!

In Conclusion

So, while the benefits of usability can’t always be quantified, making sure your business is easy to reach and use can only help. As an owner or manager, take some time and try out your business as a customer. Make a call to your business and see what happens if your call cannot be answered right away. Does your answering system make you jump through hoops and cut you off or does it offer a clear path to a human being? Visit your business’ website. Is it easy to use and navigate. Are there annoying pop-ups? Does everything work to a customer’s satisfaction?

Is your business easy to find? Is parking easy?

Trying your business out as a customer will show you those usability issues you may need to take care of, and taking care of those issues can help make more customers use your business!

Good luck in your business, and thanks for reading! 🙂

Do You Still Need a Resume? Yes, Even in Good Times!

Resume and Cover letter for Res Business. 7/4/2016

As I write this, the economy, especially where the availability of jobs is concerned, times are good in the U.S.A. right now and may be in a number of countries around the world as well.

Yes, when I look at Craigslist or simply look around me from day to day, I see lots of signs saying things like, “Now Hiring!”, “Help Wanted”, and “Positions Available!”.

Does that mean you can simply walk into any business establishment and they’ll simply give you the job you want if you simply ask?

No, times have probably never been that good for the job seeker. There are still things you need to do, and one of them is to have a resume.

Any employer, no matter how desperate for workers they are, will still want to know something about you before they make a hiring decision. And a resume will help you in this area.

A resume gives the prospective employer needed information about you

Remember, even if you are the only candidate for the job, the prospective employer will never be desperate enough to hire you on the spot when they know absolutely nothing about you! And, even if you are the sole candidate for a job opening, that is not likely to last long, even in the greatest economic times.

A resume tells them some basic information and gets your foot in the door. And remember, a resume allows you to “toot your own horn”! And in these good times, it can still put you ahead of the game when other competing candidates decide they don’t need a resume and can cut back on the things they felt they needed to do when job hunting was tougher and jobs were scarce.

And, having that resume in hand gives the prospective employer something tangible to work with when deciding whom to hire.

Having a resume keeps you prepared for bumps in the road

So, what if you have a job that you like and plan to stay with? Should you even hang onto your resume?

Well, today, there’s no such thing as a secure job, and it has always been this way to some extent. Even if you’re the best employee in the world, your employer could go out of business, or retire, the company can be bought out and the new owner may want to replace the staff with his or her own, and oftentimes, while times may be generally great, small “spot” recessions can come up, which can mean layoffs.

So, Yes, hang onto your resume and remember to update it periodically, even if you have a job. Just having a resume, even an old one that needs updating, is better than none at all.

And, especially as you gain more work experiences and achievements, it will help you to keep track of what you’ve done and what you’ve achieved over the years. You’ll be less likely to forget that one achievement that could get you that job you’re going for now.

Also, if you are trying for jobs in differing fields, or that emphasize different types of duties, you may want to have several resumes that emphasize your different skills and experiences. Even having an old resume that hasn’t been updated will provide a foundation for creating additional resumes.

So, if you don’t have a resume, get one now. And if you do have one, be sure to update it.

Happy job hunting!

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Here’s a Dream App For You!

It seems there’s an app for nearly everything these days. But one important app is missing. And it’s one I’m sure just about everyone would love, and, in fact, it could quite possibly end up being the most popular app ever! Unfortunately, I don’t have the skill needed to build a decent app, let alone the one I dream of. And, It may not be technically possible to build such an app today. But, I’m going to show you what this app would do if I could make it.

Phone on with home screen visible. 6/26/2018

What’s this dream app called? I would call it the Call Guard App”.

And what would it do?

To summarize, it would accurately screen calls and block all unsolicited robocalls, scam calls, and spoofed number calls. And would pay you as well!

Like what you’ve read so far? Well, it may seem unbelievable, and you may be asking questions about some calls that you might want to receive, and of course, where would the money come from? So, let’s look at the details.

Recognizes wanted calls vs unwanted calls.

The app would screen all calls and would be able to tell the difference between unsolicited and solicited calls. So, if you have the pharmacy regularly give you a robocall to tell you your medicine is ready, the app will recognize that the number source is legitimate, and that you’ve done business with the pharmacy, even if you don’t have the pharmacy in your contact list! So you don’t have to worry about missing an important call from a number you haven’t dealt with before! It will also have the option of having the caller announced.

Recognizes spoofed numbers as such.

The app will be able to tell if a number has been spoofed. A spoofed number call will show you a number that is legitimate. But if you were to call that number back and talk to the person your caller id says the number belongs to, you will reach that person’s line, and maybe that person him or herself. However, they did not call you! The scammer simply “used” that person’s number so that you will think it’s a legitimate call and answer it! And, if you do answer it, you’ll not be talking to the person who actually owns that number, but the scammer! That’s why many people won’t answer any number they don’t recognize. This app will be able to recognize a spoofed number!

Keeps you from being bothered by unwanted calls in the least.

Perhaps the second best part? The app will block the unwanted call before it ever reaches your phone! So, it won’t ring, go to your voicemail, or register on your calls received list, and will never bother you at all! No more unwanted ringing when you’re at work or busy with something else!

It pays you!

And the best part? It pays you! I’d put the payment at $100 per call. Now, the app will be able to instantly locate the exact and true source number or unit making the scamming call as well as all related info regarding the source, and of course locate any accounts related to it. And it will automatically withdraw the money and put it into a special account that the app provides for you, with the ability to transfer the money to your own account of your choosing! The app will also make sure that no innocent accounts or people whose numbers have been spoofed or whose accounts have inadvertently been linked or attached to the scammer by the scammer, will be affected!

It can be tailored to your needs.

Options. It has a lot, enough so it can be easily tailored to your needs. And it will be very user friendly! Options include being able to add political campaigns’, companies’ and sales reps’ numbers to the list to block. They can be blocked by individual numbers or all numbers under a particular organization, such as “ABC Mortgage Refinance Partners”, or John Smith for Senate”. And they would be charged the $100 also, once they are added to the block list. They may not be scammers, and their numbers are legitimate, but they can still be relentless in their attempting to get you to answer their calls, often even after you already have!

The app can be used with older mobile phones, flip phones, and landlines.

It would have the ability to link with your landline and flip phone with a code you could enter that would block these unwanted calls as effectively as the app does on your smartphone!

The Call Guard app is free!

The app would be free! Funding would come from an extra $10, withdrawn from the unwanted calling source!

So, I’m sure this app would be extremely popular, and could end the ever-growing avalanche of robocalls, scam calls, and other unwanted calls that plague nearly everyone to some extent.

Of course, the revenue coming into your account would decrease over time as organizations of all kinds would start backing off as it would cost them millions, but boy, the peace of mind, knowing the calls you get are far more likely to be legitimate and you’ll be much more likely to answer them! And you’ll have much more control over your incoming calls!

But alas, I think we can only dream for now, unless I am completely wrong and there is such an app. For now, there are some that do block calls, like Mr Number, which I do find to be quite effective, however, my phone will still ring for a bit most of the time while the app assesses the number.

So, I say this: If there is such an app and you know about it, please tell the world. You will be greatly thanked to say the least!

And if there is no such app that you know about, and you have the skill to make one or at least try to, then please do it! If you succeed, you will be forever loved and respected and rich!

Here’s hoping!

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As Easy as Changing a Lightbulb! Where DIY on Your Car can Save You Money

If you own a car, you know that things will break or wear out or go out from time to time. However, just a little research can help you avoid having to go to the mechanic when something minor breaks down and needs replacing or repair.

One example is your car’s lights. These can go out from time to time. Or the wipers can go bad, or something else that’s pretty minor but requires attention. Many people will have something go out and will rush to the repair shop right off the bat!  And, while taking care of these things right away is good, one can end up spending more money if they don’t stop to do a little research first. A quick tour of their car and also a glance at their owner’s manual can be a good start.

In addition, the internet is a great resource for finding out both about your car as well as making minor repairs, some of which require no tools! YouTube is one great source for this type of information.

In my car, I had bulbs go out for my rear lights and another bulb in my headlights go out within the last month. Did I go to the repair shop? No.

What I did was, when my rear light went out, I looked up how to change the bulb in my particular model car. Some cars are made so that you do have to go to a repair shop to have things like bulbs replaced. But luckily, YouTube showed me my car’s light bulbs could be replaced by hand, no tools needed. All I had to do was take out the old bulbs, which was very easy, just taking less than a minute. Then, I went to the auto parts store, picked up the bulbs I needed, and I changed them right there in the store’s parking lot in a matter of minutes! And, on top of this, I also looked up what type and number of bulb to get, so when I went into the store, I had the old bulb with me and, combined with the knowledge I’d gotten from the internet, I was able to tell the clerk exactly what I needed.

When one of the bulbs in my headlights went out a few weeks later, I didn’t even need to go to the internet. I just opened the hood, checked to see if the headlight bulbs were as easy to remove as the tail light bulbs, found that they were, and simply removed the worn out bulb. I then went to the auto parts store, bought a new one, and replaced the old one myself, again, in a matter of minutes!

I saved a lot of money, too. If I’d gone to a repair shop, I would have paid much, much more, as labor costs would have been involved. Plus, by doing it myself, I gave myself a little more knowledge about my car.

So, before rushing to the repair shop, do a little research. It’s real easy now, and can save money, too!

Happy motoring!

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Watch For Those Flashers!

It’s a good idea to watch out for those flashers. No, not the kind that expose themselves, but the emergency flashers on a car.

Recently, a driver found himself stuck at the end of a freeway off ramp and could not move the vehicle at all! So, he called for a tow truck and in the meantime, he had to sit there. He did turn on the vehicle’s flashers.  It was a two lane ramp, with the right lane designated for right turns only and the left lane for left turns only. He was stuck in the right hand lane. He still kept an eye out through his rear view mirror, just in case someone didn’t see the flashers. And, to make his situation “more visible”, he would gesture with his arm to tell people to go around when he saw cars approaching behind him in the right lane. Most people got it, especially when he gestured with his arm, and they would slow down and change lanes to go around him. But wouldn’t you know, some didn’t have a clue and came right up behind him. When the light turned green, they didn’t know why he wasn’t moving! Some even got mad and beeped their horns at him, but of course they ended up going around him. Anyway, the tow truck finally came and the situation taken care of.

This incident does remind us that people turn their flashers on for a reason, not to put on a light show. And sometimes they aren’t always able to get completely off the road. In this driver’s case, the vehicle, a company vehicle, just quit on him and he was lucky to simply be able to get off the freeway.

Also, be aware that there are many areas that have a law on the books often called a “Move Over” law, which basically says that if you see a vehicle, especially an official emergency, law enforcement, or highway maintenance vehicle on the side of the road with flashers on, and you are in the lane next to the side of the road, you are to move over one lane away if possible and slow down by 5 to 10 miles below the posted speed limit.

So remember to pay attention while driving. Watch out for flashing lights, and other things like brake lights and other hazards that may not always give notice. Be here, be now, as I wrote in an earlier post.

Anytime you see or hear of a car wreck, you’ll be glad you paid attention to your driving.

Be safe!

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Take a Micro Breather!

In our busy, hurry up world, it’s easy to overlook our surroundings. We’re so consumed with what we’re doing, we forget to stop and simply take a look to appreciate our surroundings. Now, we’ve probably heard the advice to “stop and smell the roses” and its good advice and too few people take it, but even those who do, usually take it to mean not working every weekend or being sure to take a vacation over several days or weeks to recharge.


But, even in the midst of working, one can, and probably should, take what I would call a “microbreather“, as well, that is, a short break, just to take in the day for a minute.

Here’s a microbreather I took while distributing fliers door to door in January, 2017. Beautiful!


I’ve learned to do this. I work outside and while I’m out, I will stop at times, just to take a look and appreciate my surroundings. Now, I do work outside and live in the Portland, Oregon area, so there is much natural beauty to see, even in and from downtown.


But, even if you work indoors or in a not so beautiful setting, sometimes just stopping and taking in your surroundings can still relieve some of your stress anyway. And if you think there’s nothing to “take in” in taking a look at a cubicle with some paper clips in a container on it, or some barrels next to the outside wall of a factory building, or some train tracks in an industrial area, just remember that there are artists and photographers who get inspiration and create great art and/or documentation from just such mundane or not so beautiful real life scenes.



These microbreathers need only take a few seconds, but, at least for me, they do keep me recharged for the day. And they are so easy to take. But please, don’t skimp, on stopping to smell the roses big time once in a while, too!

You’ll be better for it!



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“Be Here, Be Now”, A Good Rule of Driving to Remember


With the advent of mobile phones and built-in communications centers in cars, distracted driving has become more of a problem. And, I suspect it may be responsible for more accidents than we think.

However, even without the instant portable modes of communication we have today, the potential for distracted driving is still there.

Just your own thoughts can be enough to distract you. Say you have an argument with your significant other, then go out in the car. Chances are, that argument will still be on your mind as your driving down the road. And it doesn’t have to be an argument, either. How many of us have thought about how we’d spend the money if we won the lottery with the ticket we’re driving to the store to buy? Or the activities we’re looking forward to doing while driving to that great resort or camping spot? Or about seeing that favorite relative as we’re driving to the airport to pick them up? Or a million other things that can come into one’s head?


Well, whenever I think my mind may start to wander as I’m driving, I say to myself, “Be here, be now!” In other words, telling myself to pay attention to my driving. And it’s true. Those other thoughts can wait. If you’re worried about something or have some problem to solve, you can’t do anything about it while you’re driving! And don’t worry, you’re already going in the right direction to buy that lottery ticket or pick up that relative, and they’ll be waiting for you.

I’ve seen a few accidents in person and some on video that may well have been caused by drivers distracted by mere thoughts.

So, if you want to stay safe on the road, remember, Be here, Be now!







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Door to Door? Be Safe and Courteous!

So, you’re going door to door, are you? Well, whether it’s distributing fliers, selling items, handing out notices, getting sign-ups, and, whether it’s volunteer work, selling for a school or organization, a full or part-time job getting the word out, letting people know of an event or lost pet, or any other legitimate reason, etc., there are some things to know.

Go When You Can Be Seen

Firstly, do go when you can be seen, that is, during the day. Morning and early evening is ok, too, so long as there is sufficient light for someone to see what you look like. If it’s too dark to see what other people look like, then it’s too dark to be going door to door. For one, you might not see the potential assailant. And, for those whose homes you are going to, you’ll appear as just a dark menacing shape to them and, they may be extra suspicious of you, and for good reason. In some cases, their reaction may be extreme. Some years back, I heard of a guy getting shot as he and his group were knocking on doors, selling items to people. They had gone out late at night and one person, thinking it was a home invasion robbery about to start, shot one of the door to door salespeople.  Most people won’t react to that extreme, but they may not open the door, and probably won’t want to listen to what you have to say, and you won’t have a chance to get them the information or make the sale. During the daytime, those same people, seeing what you look like instead of some dark, menacing shape, will be much more likely to welcome you, as they are much less likely to feel threatened.


Go to the Front Door

Obviously, if your going door to door requires actual contact with the resident, you be going to the front door. But, even if you’re just distributing literature with no need to contact the resident directly, it’s still always a good idea to go to the front door. Even if there’s no adequate place to put the flier. If there really isn’t a place or way to put the flier in the front door area, then skip that house. If neighbors see you going to the garage, or especially, the back yard, they could rightly become suspicious and call the police on you. Always only go to the front door area!

Also, if you come up to a house and the front door is ajar or fully open and no one is there, skip that house. It’s most likely the owner just forgot to close the door and is probably inside, but, my feeling is that, if something in the house goes missing, you might be held liable and suspected of theft, even if you had nothing to do with it. It’s just a measure of self-protection that I believe in.

Finally, don’t place items you’re distributing in the resident’s mailbox or mail slot. I know in the United States, it is illegal to place non-postal or non-postage-paid items in any postal receptacle or slot, and this may be the case in other countries, too.

Respect “No Soliciting” Signs

I still distribute fliers and I do respect “No Soliciting” signs. While it’s most likely true that most people who put up those signs don’t want their doorbell rung or the knock on the door and wouldn’t mind the simple placing of a flier at their doorstep, it’s still a good idea to pay heed to those signs, regardless. When people see that you respect their wishes, they tend to respect you more. And, only if you are not selling something, if you see someone outside of a home with a “No Soliciting” sign, it’s ok to ask them if they want the flier. I’ve found that the resident will accept the flier much more often than not in these cases.

Sometimes, you will come across variations of the “No Soliciting” sign, such as “No Peddlers or Agents”, or simply a “No Trespassing” sign. Other wording, too, can tell you that they mean, “No Soliciting”, so do read and pay attention. In the case of the “No Trespassing” sign, if it is on a gate leading to the back yard and not in the front door area, then I’ll still go to that house, since they most likely mean, “Stay out of my back yard!”. But, if it’s on the front door or window, then I skip that house.

Sometimes you may by chance be at a house, then somehow spot a “No Soliciting” sign so small and obscure that an eagle would almost need glasses to read it! In these cases, unless you’ve made contact with the resident, it’s best to just skip that house. But, a word of advice to those of you who have put up a “No Soliciting” sign, please, don’t make it so small that it requires a magnifying glass close up to read, and don’t put it in an obscure place where someone is not likely to look. It keeps more of them from disturbing you and also allows them to skip your house and waste less of their time. Just a two-way courtesy where both sides win.

So, just pay attention to this advice and your door to door selling or distributing has a much better chance of going  without incident.

Happy distributing, selling and good luck!

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Let Them Know with a Thank You!

Pexels Image

In a conversation I recently had, one of the other people involved mentioned that they hadn’t received any acknowledgement from someone they’d sent a gift to, and remarked how people don’t write thank you notes any more.

This is a good point. I always acknowledge when someone gives me a gift, and, if it was something sent to me rather than given in person, I also let the other person know. It’s just common courtesy. And it doesn’t take long. But even if it does, as when you’ve had a major event, such as a big birthday, wedding, baby or wedding shower, etc., one should still take the time to send everyone who gave a gift or sent a gift, some kind of acknowledgement of thanks! It let’s the giver know that you appreciate the fact that they honored your milestone by giving a gift.

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When someone sends you a gift, especially if its money, do let them know that you received it. In addition to acknowledging their gift, you also let them know that the gift isn’t lost in the mail or that check they sent isn’t winding up in the wrong hands. You owe them that much, at least!

So, you may be thinking that writing thank you notes is old-fashioned and takes too much time. But remember, those who gave you gifts also took the time to get you that gift. And they had to think of what to get you, as well!

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However, while some people think that only a hand-written note is acceptable, I beg to disagree. It’s the acknowledgement of the gift and the thanking of the giver that’s important. An email, phone call, or even a text message at least lets the giver know that you’re acknowledging their gift.

Having said that, if you know that your closer or elder relatives or close family friends prefer the hand written thank you note, then it’s best to accommodate them. And, if you do leave a message, it’s still best to follow-up and thank them in person or over the phone.

But, in any event, do make the effort to thank those who send you gifts, and do it in a timely manner. Others will take positive note of your efforts and you’ll be glad you did.

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What’s Wrong with a Blue-Collar Career? Nothing!

Is that executive, college degree required, corner office position the only goal for a career? The answer is  a resounding “NO!” Though I’ve always known it, that fact was reinforced for me by a segment in the CBS show, “Sunday”, that I watched this morning.

Sure, those white-collar positions are important, but definitely not the only thing when it comes to careers. Unfortunately, too many think that only white-collar jobs and careers are important, and look down on blue-collar careers, and the people who have them.

Let’s take a look: White Collar Careers

Sure, those with white-collar careers are important. They make plans, meet with other high level decision makers on projects, decipher all the paperwork involved, and keep tabs on the corporate finances and business dealings.

But, they come at a price, and not all are high paying.

They often require a college degree, which can mean tons of student loan debt and years of school, which leads to the next fact. That college degree doesn’t automatically guarantee a high paying job. Some white-collar jobs start at minimum wage and one must stay there a good long time before they see a meaningful rise in pay. And, given how easily companies, especially large ones, will lay off workers, that can take a while with lot’s of derailment along the way.

But even if you get the high paying job, it can often come with a lot of stress in the forms of long hours, difficult bosses and co-workers, and company rules that oftentimes don’t make sense.

That’s not to say that the white-collar career path is not worthwhile, but, like anything else, there are pitfalls, and, if one is not cut out for this path, they’ll likely have problems.

Also, many white-collar positions, particularly lower level ones, can be, and often are, outsourced or automated.

And for those of you who think you’ll never have to get dirty in a white-collar job, that’s not always the case, depending on the field you’re in and company you work for.

Let’s take a look: Blue Collar Careers

Blue collar careers will more likely involve working with one’s hands and involve more physical work. And it can also mean getting dirty, and, if outside, as in construction work, it means working in all types or weather and temperatures. However, it’s not always the case, depending on the field you’re in and the company you work for. But, overall, you’ll be more likely to be working physically.

Many think that blue-collar work is automatically low-paying. Not always true, in fact, it can be very high paying. Mechanics, plumbers, and electricians often do very well, especially once they reach “Journeyman” level and above. Next time you call a plumber, or electrician, or take your car to the mechanic, and you gasp at the bill, you’ll see what the labor cost is. Oftentimes it’s the lion’s share of the bill, and that will tell you that the plumber, electrician, and mechanic make quite a bit more than minimum wage.

Getting prepared for a blue-collar career also often involves furthering one’s education, but trade schools and vocational schools are often cheaper than formal college. However, you’ll still have to study hard.

Another advantage, because of how people think of blue-collar vs white-collar careers, many blue-collar careers go begging, as do openings in trade and vocational schools and programs.

And, there’s another fact that can be really great. It’s that it’s really hard to outsource or automate most blue-collar jobs, and in many disaster situations, the blue-collar worker can often still find work. Puerto Rico, Florida, and Houston are all in need of builders, electricians, plumbers, and others in related trades for rebuilding. They’re not in need of executives, accountants, and sales managers.

And, you can’t outsource plumbers or delivery drivers. And it’ll be a very long time before these positions can be automated.

Final word: We Need Both

So, next time you’re wondering, take a look at your city or town, all the buildings, infrastructure, and the physical things you see being done every day. Yes, the executives were needed to make the plans and get the deals done, and the attorneys were needed to make sure everything was legal and spelled out.

But, it was the blue-collar workers, the builders, welders, electricians, plumbers, drivers, machine operators, food preparers and servers, and others, who all combined to make those plans reality.

So whatever career path you choose, know that it is important, worthwhile, and contributes to the well-being of society.

Good luck!

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