Staying Within The Speed Limit Is About To Get A Lot Easier

When you love driving, you do a lot of it. What’s more, you like to do it in style. While sitting around in traffic is par for the course, there are times when you can get out on the open road and enjoy yourself. 

Unfortunately, though, you’re not perfect. And sometimes you can dip over the speed limit, especially on wide-open roads. And that can cause you to fall foul of the law. 

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Getting a speeding ticket is not a pleasant experience. Not only does it cost you a lot of money, but it also means that you now have points on your license, which take many years to disappear. Furthermore, it takes away from the pleasure of being out on the road. You don’t want to feel as if a cop could pull you over at any minute. You want to be able to relax and get the most out of the experience. 

The good news, though, is that car manufacturers are listening and coming up with gadgets and solutions. 

Adjustable Speed Limiter

Nobody wants to build a speed limiter into all cars that works automatically. People want freedom on the road. And they don’t like to feel as though they are under control. Similarly, speeding tickets are a great way for local authorities to make money, so they’re not going anywhere soon. 

A growing number of companies, however, are offering their customers automatically-adjusting speed limiters. Instead of just capping a vehicle to 155 mph – as most do – these adjust their limits according to your geographic location. If the system detects that you’re in a 30 mph zone, it’ll stop you from floating above that. 

The cool thing about these systems is that they’re optional, and they help protect you from the police. You can put the pedal to the metal, and your vehicle will continue cruising along under the speed limit. It takes the element of luck out of getting a ticket. And that can only be a good thing. 

Gadgets That Detect Police Radar

The police measure the speed of oncoming vehicles using radar technology. Their equipment sends out a pulse of energy that bounces off the incoming car and then back again, telling them how fast it is going. 

Because of it, you can actually buy equipment that detects the signal, as this radar detector buyers guide points out. These devices pick up on the EM pulses coming out of radar devices and let you know in an instant whether there’s one nearby. It means that mobile speed cameras won’t come out at you as a surprise. You’ll be ready.

Autopilot Technology

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Of course, the moment machines take over the job of driving, the difficulty of staying within the speed limit goes away. We already see a large number of companies invest in autopilot technologies. And every year they continue to improve. Soon, we will have systems that can keep you under the speed limit while driving you down the highway. And soon that will extend to urban areas too. 

Contributed Post.

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